It's weird how a change of area can totally change your
mission. This change has been pretty big for me and I guess I'm feeling okay
about it.
This area and building is actually a lot nicer than my first
area so I guess that is kind of good. And it's not quite as wet but the rain
flogged us this week. It rained almost every day. I truly loved my first area
but I knew it was time to leave. This area is a little more quiet and has a lot
of sand but everywhere does. I really like the people so far and I have felt
welcomed. It has actually been raining a lot lately which is good and bad. I
often feel cold but it's mostly the umbrella business that annoys me. I need to
start my cooking skills now though! Also, there is a store here that has
American food and it has more than the one before and it is cheaper! I got a
bunch of cereal which I was so happy about. I like cereal.
The area combined with the companion is really an adjustment
but so far I haven't killed myself so I guess it can't be that bad. I miss the
big market called Red Light though, no one walks down the street selling stuff
on their heads or in wheel barrels here :(
Despite that! I'm happy being here with everything that has
changed. The good news was it didn't rain Sunday morning so lots of people came
to church! A lot more than had before apparently.
We worked really hard this week. I feel like I know the
places in this area a little bit better now. We taught a lot more lessons than my companion ever had, but fewer than I'm used to so we'll work on it.
He is an interesting guy from Samoa. He just
turned 19 and still has a little bit of work to do on his mission but he's
trying. Mostly the most difficult part is just waking him up in the morning.
Generally I have to shake him and constantly remind him to wake up before he
actually does it. It's kind of funny at first, but a little annoying after a
while. I still love him, but I do hope that at some point he can do it on his
Anyways, things are great and all is well!! Don't worry I'm
still enjoying my mission!
Love you all,
Elder Bush