Tuesday, August 30, 2016

New Area, New Life

It's weird how a change of area can totally change your mission. This change has been pretty big for me and I guess I'm feeling okay about it. 

This area and building is actually a lot nicer than my first area so I guess that is kind of good. And it's not quite as wet but the rain flogged us this week. It rained almost every day. I truly loved my first area but I knew it was time to leave. This area is a little more quiet and has a lot of sand but everywhere does. I really like the people so far and I have felt welcomed. It has actually been raining a lot lately which is good and bad. I often feel cold but it's mostly the umbrella business that annoys me. I need to start my cooking skills now though! Also, there is a store here that has American food and it has more than the one before and it is cheaper! I got a bunch of cereal which I was so happy about. I like cereal.

The area combined with the companion is really an adjustment but so far I haven't killed myself so I guess it can't be that bad. I miss the big market called Red Light though, no one walks down the street selling stuff on their heads or in wheel barrels here :(

Despite that! I'm happy being here with everything that has changed. The good news was it didn't rain Sunday morning so lots of people came to church! A lot more than had before apparently. 

We worked really hard this week. I feel like I know the places in this area a little bit better now. We taught a lot more lessons than my companion ever had, but fewer than I'm used to so we'll work on it.
He is an interesting guy from Samoa. He just turned 19 and still has a little bit of work to do on his mission but he's trying. Mostly the most difficult part is just waking him up in the morning. Generally I have to shake him and constantly remind him to wake up before he actually does it. It's kind of funny at first, but a little annoying after a while. I still love him, but I do hope that at some point he can do it on his own! 

Anyways, things are great and all is well!! Don't worry I'm still enjoying my mission!

Love you all,
Elder Bush

Monday, August 22, 2016

Runnin' Through the 6

Wasssssuuupppp? Big news this week. I don't know how much time I have today so I'll get to the point. We had a transfer this week and that's where missionaries can be assigned to different areas in the mission. This transfer was huge because like half the mission got changed so it's pretty nuts. I got transferred as well. I'm now in an area called Caldwell which is really really far from where my first area was. Of course this really has no significance to you, but it has a lot to me. It's strange because I was in my first area for so long it feels like I'm leaving home again. But I'm really excited.

I got a new companion! He is Samoan opposed to my last companion who was Tongan. Basically everyone who talks to me about him kind of just tells me that it's going to be a challenge and I'll need to be patient. Apparently he's just a little bit immature but I'm sure that we will work well together and figure things out. I guess President must trust me... He's only been out for three months, but his previous companion was really good so I think I'll be alright. 

Now besides that, my mom sent me a list from another missionary when I first left on my mission about 20 things about Liberia. She said when I was 6 months in I should make my own. So that's what I decided to do!

So here it is:

1. If you aren't sweating, they didn't put enough pepper (pepe) in. 
2. Generators are the greatest things in the world.
3. African germs are slow
4. African ants are fast.
5. If you don't swallow your fufu, you don't belong in Liberia.
6. Don't ever assume it will not rain.
7. If you ever thought Utah drivers were bad, come to Liberia. 
8. If you are fat you are enjoying.
9. Liberians are more afraid of rain than they are of bullets.
10. Liberians love rumors.
11. After 6 months in Liberia, I have not gone one day without rice.
12. Every one wants to go to America.
13. If you come to Liberia, you will need to learn how to speak English again. 
14. If you ever hear American music, there's a 95% chance it is Chris Brown.
15. I got my church.
16. Trash
17. Liberians eat more rice than Asians do, I'm sure of it.
18. While crossing a one way street, make sure you look both ways.
19. Enjoy your mission.
20. There have never been people more ready for the gospel than these people. 

That's all I got for now! Love you all!

Elder Bush

Sunday, August 21, 2016


These are two that we baptized, Theresa and her son Deyee. Also Brother Kellie who always goes and teaches with us which is great.

Those in our apartment.

My trainer (Elder Ojo, the only African), His trainer (Elder Randell to the far right who goes home tomorrow, me and my companion.

The place where we always eat and the woman who makes the food. Mostly I wanted you to recognize the sign :)
Kolako, Theresa and Deyee. Baptized August 20!

Elder Bush

Friday, August 19, 2016


This is the Family Home Evening we had with one of our recent converts.
This guy named Mark went out to teach with us who is a member.
This is one of our investigators and his father. He just graduated college and never come to church so that's great.
The same guy Mark and then his brother Matthew. At church. What up.
That all. Bye!
Elder Bush

Views From the 6

Well this month I will turn 6 months old on my mission and that's pretty weird. Time is really going and I can't imagine what it will be like when I get to 1 year... Crazy. I just finished my first journal, but don't worry I have 4 more.
This week was fine, we are still 3. Mostly I wanted to send pictures. Next week is transfers and I don't know if I will be going or staying so stay tuned. Not a big deal to you, but a pretty big impact to me.
So, 21 at church this week.. And here are some pictures!

​My companion and myself at church!

​This is our branch president who is really cool. They feed us dinner every night!

​This is also where we eat every night.
You can send pictures to me as well because I can view them. Love you all, and I'm sending more!
Elder Bush

Monday, August 8, 2016

Answer Me These Questions THREE

What up from the land of three missionaries. Strange but great!
The work this week went pretty well. We adjusted to having three missionaries pretty quickly I think and got everything kind of figured out. Since we were combined this week, our numbers and everything was combined so we had like 24 investigators come to church this week which sounds and looks pretty good and also feels pretty great.
This week we baptized 3 more people. Sister Theresa and her son Deyee and another boy named Kolako. I was so happy to see them so excited to become members of the church. Theresa and her son even bore their testimonies on Sunday in church which was sweet.
So two quick stories. First, after church on Sunday there was a crazy old man that was following us all over. First, he came up to us, bowed and saluted us. But then! He continued to follow us and kept shouting something about the book of D&C. Pretty sweet. Maybe we'll get him to come to church or something.
Okay also, there is a movie called Freetown about some missionaries who were in Liberia during the time of the war and their crazy adventure to get to Sierra Leone where they would be safe. Somehow the other Elders in the apartment found that movie and so we watched it last night because we have to go to our apartment early. The movie ironically was filmed in Ghana because Liberia was going through another crisis at the time of filming (Ebola). Anyways, we watched it and there were some inaccuracies, especially in the way that they spoke but they mentioned Paynesville a bunch of times which is the area in which I'm serving.
NOW, there is one scene in the movie where they are asking the people if they are Krahn because these rebels want to kill all the Krahn people. So they ask this woman if she is Krahn and she says yup and they shoot her. HOWEVER, one of the guys who was there has a job in the mission and he talked to us about it. He said, that's not what happened. What really happened was that the woman was pregnant and two guys were arguing over whether the baby was a boy or a girl. So to settle things they slit her throat and then her stomach to see. Not sure who was right but there's the real story for ya. Oh Africa.
Life is great here even though still no water so more drawing from the well. I love it :) Honestly I can't complain at all.
Appreciate all the love this week, you guys are the best :)
Elder Bush

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Wedding Day

Wow. So... 3 sisters are married. I am the lone child living the single life in Liberia. What a strange way to put it.
Anyways! Congratulations to my beautiful sister on getting married! How crazy! Almost as crazy as having 20 investigators come to church. What a blessing--what a life.
Let me tell you an interesting story. There is a man that we have been teaching and this week we found out that he is not legally married to his partner. He wants to be baptized and they have had the dowry and everything but not the certificate from the government. We told him that he needed to get it in order to be baptized. He said alright he would try and let us know how it went. Sunday we asked his sisters who are both members where he was. They told us that he had traveled to his county in Grand Gedeh so that he could tell his mother that he is going to get married. Really I can't think of a better excuse for a person to tell us that they did not come to church. I couldn't believe that he would be that quick to act because we just told him on Saturday and he left Sunday. We really are praying that he will go through with everything.
In other somehow disappointing news, one of the other Elders in the apartment told us that he'll be going home because of some things that he needs to take care of. Not only do I like him and am sad that he has to do this, but it also puts my companion and I in an awkward position because it means that his companion will join us and we will be 3 instead of 2 because the remaining missionary cannot be alone. We were already feeling pressure because of how many people we were teaching and how big our area is, and now we have to combine our areas... A little unfortunate but I know that we can handle it.
This coming week should be interesting but I look forward to the challenge and the blessings that will come from our hard work! Hope all is well and don't forget to send me some love every once in a while. Just because I've been gone for 5 months doesn't mean I died :)
Love you all!

Elder Bush