Monday, October 9, 2017

Election Bidneh Har!!!

The way the country har! That how the country lookin. So the election in this country is not a small thing. This place is so busy and jammed packed all the time now it's hard to go anywhere. The country's election is tomorrow the 10th of October. They have a ton of different candidates and they all have campaign rallies at different times and people just lose their minds. In the states we mainly have two parties that win each year, but here they have about 30 different parties that go at it. Of course there are some main ones that are more likely to win, but I don't really know any of them so to me they all can win. It makes a lot of people really busy though so it's more difficult to find people at home now. 

Anyways! Besides that this week went well. We're busy as usual. Thursday we had our zone conference and it was really nice. We talked a lot about working with members and how to work with stake and ward leaders. I never really realized before how little I was doing to help the church progress. I'll have to do better when I get back. 

On Friday, the Sinkor zone was asked to stay in their apartments because of a campaign rally that was supposed to be crazy. So we stayed in the apartment the whole day. It felt really weird because I've made that a point on my mission to never spend the whole day in the apartment. It has only happened once when I got really sick one morning and didn't even go to church. This was the second time. I just feel guilty when I'm in the apartment. Not bad though I got to rest :)

Saturday was nuts. Saturday was the last day that people would be allowed to have any kind of election campaign or anything like that so everyone was out. The traffic was really bad, but we weren't really affected for most of the day. However, on our way home we hit some trouble. Walking back to our apartment there is one of the major party's headquarters there and everyone and their dog was there. It was completely stopped traffic. There are two lanes on each side but it basically just looked like there were cars on all four lanes facing each other in a dead stop. We weren't really supposed to be there but we had to get back. Luckily it was also pouring rain so we got soaked in addition to our crazy adventure. When we got in front of the headquarters there were people all over on the street chanting and yelling and police cars everywhere. We were just walking in between cars and trucks and buses on the road because no one could move. We walked in between two huge trucks and got so wet! Luckily my scriptures were okay. Looking back it was kind of cool but at the moment I was feeling bad that we were in the situation. I didn't really think that anything would happen to us, but we shouldn't find ourselves in places like that so it was unfortunate but probably unavoidable. We made it back safely and I'm alive and well. 

Well that was the craziness that happened this week. One woman said that she was stuck in the traffic until 3 am. She still came to church because she said she had promised us but she went home early because she was tired. Can't blame her. 

I'm doing great though! Can't complain. Love you all. :)

Elder Bush

Monday, October 2, 2017

September Photos

Conference and Cake

Well this was a wonderful busy week as always!

We had a lot going on this week and we got a lot done as well. On Wednesday night I went for an exchange with Elder Sorenson. He is one of the assistants that is serving in town right now. Wednesday night I went with him to his apartment and slept there. They have air conditioning and it was so weird to sleep in the cold. I had a little sheet so my body was fine, but breathing in the cold air gave me a hard time. I don't know how I'm going to make it when I get back when even outside will feel air conditioned in the winter! I'm sure I'll manage. We had a nice exchange but I mostly just conducted baptismal interviews for their candidates. I like doing interviews though people say funny things. 

Saturday we had a baptism and it went... well?His name is Shadrach and he is a really funny old man. He really loves the gospel and the church though and he is doing well. Friday Brother Shadrach was interviewed and passed. You can only baptize someone if you have water though! We cleaned the font and turned on the water which ran for a little while, but we had to go home. We turned off the water and came back early in the morning to turn it back on. Water was not coming anymore... Yay! So we had to draw water from a well probably about 100 yards away from the font or so and carry it to the font using buckets. This is the second time it has happened in this ward. We got enough to baptize Shadrach and that was good enough for us and him. So he was baptized and everyone is happy.

Sunday we had conference so we went in town early in the morning and watched the Saturday afternoon, Sunday morning and priesthood session of conference. For some reason all the women stayed for the priesthood session and no one told them to leave... I guess that's okay?  I loved the talks and I was especially touched by what Henry B Eyering said about the Book of Mormon. Although he has been reading the Book of Mormon every day for over 50 years, he decided to read in more detail and with greater focus because the prophet asked. Humbled me a little to realize that I need to continue reading it each day. I have been reading Doctrine and Covenants so I got a little bit lazy. So I am recommitting myself to be diligent in reading The Book of Mormon as well. Between sessions the assistants had made some cake and food so we went up to their apartment to eat which was super nice of them. I sustain them. Great week!

That's about all for today but I'll send some pictures. Love you all!

Elder Bush