Monday, February 12, 2018

The Last Melon

Well this is it friends. This is my last week here as a missionary in Liberia. It has been a great run with a lot of laughs, trials, triumphs, challenges, lows, highs, frustrations, successes, and most of all, fulfillment. I think that is what I feel most as I reflect back on my mission. I haven't been the greatest, most obedient, smartest, most well spoken or intelligent missionary, but I have felt fulfillment in my missionary work. I have felt that it has changed me and also it has changed others and I am so grateful for that. I don't mean to excuse myself of my imperfections or to say that I wasn't obedient, but I know and acknowledge that I was not perfect. Despite my imperfections and shortcomings however, I have felt the Lord's hand in my work,  and in my life, because I am continually striving to improve. The Lord constantly helped me to make myself better and was always willing to forgive me for whatever mistakes I had made. That is why I feel that I was successful. I believe it is when we fall short and determine to remain buried in our shortcomings that we fail. I know that what I have done here is what I was asked to do, and who I was asked to become. I hope to continue to carry on these things as I now prepare to go home. 

I am grateful for the service that I was able to provide. I don't know if I can really say that I loved my mission the entire time like other missionaries say because it was really hard and there were many times that I hated it. However, I am so grateful for all the things that I have learned and how I have been able to grow from my experiences. There will never be anything I do in my life that will be as good and true as what I have done for the past 2 years. This is the Lord's work. 

I know that the church is true. I know that the gospel is true and that the plan of salvation is the Lord's plan for us. My testimony has grown each and every day and I invite you to strengthen your own or gain your own if need be. I know the Savior lives. 

Much love!!

Elder Bush

See you soon!!