This is going to be a short letter!
Not too much from this week. We of course had a busy week with a lot of lessons and whatnot. We were fortunate enough to find a lot of less active members of the church this week who we hope to help encourage to come back to church again. I find that usually less actives have not started going to different churches, but for whatever reason have just felt weak and decide to sit at home.
We had some interviews with our mission president this week and that went really well. I spent way too long with him just talking about different things and asking questions. He had a career path that I am considering to take as well so I asked a few questions about that... No promises there yet :)
My companion and I are doing fine. Coloqua de come-o. Everything with me is also fine. My stomach was giving me hard time but it's chill now. Our investigator was also confirmed, brother Augustine. I know that other things happened but I just wanted to make my email really lame this week.
Oh we met with a returned missionary the other day that said he was the first missionary to serve in West Africa. He had a lot of stories and I don't know how many of them were true but he had a super strong testimony.
I also saw a monkey. That was cool. We saw the monkey walking from an appointment. It was on a leash basically, or rope. It was kind of funny but it was really afraid of me. The people thought that it was afraid of me because I'm white and it wasn't used to seeing white people. I'm not sure if that was true or not but if it is that is kind of funny actually. I'll send a picture.
Super random and lame but that's it for today I'm tired.