What's up guys how you comin' on? This week was cool nothin too crazy but I'll just give a quick update.
On Wednesday I went on exchange again with another missionary named Elder Titi who is from DR Congo and speaks French. He only has like 3 more months to go now though so he speaks English well. He does things very slowly, but I like him. The whole point of me telling you this though is that when I was on exchange with him I had to do some interviews for some people that are supposed to be baptized to make sure that they are ready. The first guy I interviewed basically told me everything he had ever learned and how he knew it was true. This was before I even asked him any questions... He was super solid though and his name is Alfa. I think it should be spelled Alpha. Whatever. The second interview went fine, but we both decided that it would be better if the guy waited a little bit longer because he still has a lot of things that he needs to learn more about and strengthen his testimony. Not a big deal though he can be baptized later. NOW, after that interview the guy let me play with his little pet that they call a softy softy and it was the cutest thing I've ever seen in my life. It was almost like a small sloth, but it was faster and way cuter. Maybe closer to a koala. It just grabs you and won't let go. I'll attach some pictures. Basically I want one and want to figure out how I can get it home.
We had zone training on Thursday. That was cool. New zone, although it's my old zone now.
Not much else happened the rest of the week that I can think of. The work is going really well and we are always busy with so many people to see. We had another baptism, this time on Sunday and it went really well. Brother Augustine was baptized yesterday and the service went really well. I think that having the baptism on Sunday instead of Saturday will be much better.
Today we went in town to a nice restaurant that had a lot of air conditioning. It was way too cold man I felt weird.
That's all I can think of. Love you guys.
Elder Bush
He loves to cling onto things and finally he got to my tie and would not let go of my tie. Whenever you would try to pull him away from it he would screech and I would feel bad. I was afraid to put him upside down also and they were like, he can't fall. I love that thing so much I need one. I'll send some more pics of him and some other stuff.
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