What news my people? This was another week where not a lot happened. I do need to tell you about one thing that I forgot to mention last week...
We had a baptism... I feel that is something that should be really hard to forget about but I guess I just forgot to tell you about it. Sorry. Praise Tweh was baptized on March 18th and that was wonderful. He was confirmed the next day and is doing really well. He received the priesthood yesterday as well and is making a difference in the world!! Well, small small.
Anyways, this week was solid. We're still seeing a lot of progression from Brother Gray, who we gave a baptismal date for the 30th of April. He really loves meeting with us and is such a wonderful human being. We met with him on Friday and he started telling us about all the things he does for his mother and his brother who was recently put in jail... Just a great person I really feel that I grow to love those that I teach so much more when I listen to them speak about their personal life and all their challenges and struggles. He is a really strong guy.
There was one thing that one of our less active members said to us yesterday when we visited him that I really loved. He's had a pretty rough life and things have not always gone the way they should have for him even when he was making the right decision. I shared with him something that Jeffrey R. Holland said in that some blessings come soon, some come late, and some don't come till heaven. He responded and said that when he faces those trials, he refuses to call it temptation but refers to them as trials. He said that temptation comes from the devil, but trials come from our Heavenly Father so that we can show that we love him and then receive blessings. He talked about how although much has happened to him, he knows if he remains faithful and diligent that he will receive those blessings. I really learned a lot from that experience yesterday. I don't know if I would have been able to handle some of the things that he has gone through and still remain strong.
Well, nothing else really for today. It's really hot here and I'm really looking forward to General Conference. It's strange that rainy season is almost here again! They say that it starts April 15, but it didn't really start last year in my opinion until somewhere around the end of May and then mostly in June. I hate holding that stupid umbrella.
Love you all and hope you have a wonderful day/week/year/life!
Elder Bush
1. Elder Lords came to our apartment on exchange and went running with me :)
2. Elder Eguko was called to be a Zone Leader!! Had to get a picture before he left :(
3. Before our baptism with Elder Eguko :)
4. Last days as a tri-pan :(
5. Baptism for Praise! :)
6. Family that is going to miss Elder Mineer and Elder Eguko :(
That's all! :)
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