Good Morning Friends and Family!
It is actually in the afternoon here, but I know that it is still morning at home so you may still be sleeping. Lots of stuff happened this week and there were some big changes!
Well, the end of the tripanionship in Thinker Village has officially come to pass. Elder Eguko and Elder Mineer were both transferred away from me. Elder Eguko was called to be a zone leader in Brewerville (pronounced Brahville) and Elder Mineer went to Congo Town. I just received my new companion Elder Omararo from Nigeria. He's pretty cool. I think? This is really the first time I've said more than a few words to him so I don't really know. He's been on his mission for a while now and only has about 6 months left, almost 5. So he may end his mission in this area! I'm never going home so I don't really have to worry about that.
This gone week was a really good week actually. I felt like we had several good lessons that I felt the spirit a lot in. The guy in my previous email that I talked about who came in contact with the Book of Mormon a long time ago through another member of the church came to service again. Brother Grey is his name. He seems really interested and really kind. We're hoping to see him on Tuesdays and Fridays but sometimes he can be busy. One thing that I like to do whenever I go to a new area is work on expanding the area and going to places that are a little bit further away from the chapel. I find that some of the most converted people are those that are willing to sacrifice a little bit more to come to church. So recently we have been going a little bit further and so far it has turned out well and we have sound new wonderful people that are ready to hear the gospel.
We had our Zone Conference on Tuesday which was really nice. I always learn a lot from my Mission President who is going home very soon! I think he is tired.
Wow, this actually was kind of a boring week. I don't really have much else to say. No one ever asks any questions to me so I don't know what you want to hear. If you would like, they have two big boxes of Honey Nut Cheerios or Honey Bunches of Oats here for $15 US. Sounds like a good deal to me... Oh how I miss American food sometimes. Or all the times. And feeling cold. And sleep. I don't know if you tell me your mission is easy I feel that you're doing something wrong. It's definitely worth it though :)
Love you all and miss you almost as much as I miss ice cream :)
Love ya boy,
Love ya boy,
Elder Bush
Elder Bush
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