This was such an inspiring week for me in my life. Like always,
some days were good, some days were bad, but overall I was amazed by the
blessings that I have seen since I have been on my mission.
This week we had a few things happen but I really wanted to focus on a
couple of stories that made my mind almost go insane. I'll start with a
lesson that we had on Friday with a man named Ennis. We have taught
Ennis a few times and I absolutely love him, he is so humble and willing
to listen to and accept our message. We went to his home and talked to
him about the Book of Mormon on Tuesday and then started to discuss the
Plan of Salvation on Friday. As we spoke with him about God's plan for
us on this Earth and about Adam and Eve, he just understood so well and
continued to show love for what we were teaching and signs that he knew
that it was true. As we were talking with him a woman nearby was
shouting on the phone. Despite this I just continued to tell myself that
I needed to listen and pay attention to him. I felt the spirit so
strongly even though there was noise. Such a powerful lesson about our
Savior's love for us.
Immediately following that lesson we met with a man named Brother Grey
who lives not far from Brother Ennis. He came to church last Sunday
along with Brother Ennis and had a good experience there. We had a good
lesson with Brother Grey, but when we were about to close the lesson he
said something that was so significant to me and I don't really know
why. He said that in 1998 (almost 20 years ago believe it or not), there
was a boy in his school named Nyanforh (don't think it is the Nyanforh
that is now the stake president) who would always stay after school and
share things with other students about his church and about the Book of
Mormon. He said that the other students would always give him hard time
but that he would just continue to talk about it. He went to serve a
mission and he hasn't heard from him since and wouldn't recognize him if
he saw him probably, but he said that he was always interested in the
church because of his conviction and what he would say about it. So now,
almost 20 years later, he is talking with the missionaries and has a
strong desire to know the truth. You never know how much good you do...
Other than that, the week was pretty normal. We're just working hard and
trying to share the gospel with as many people as possible :) Life is
good. Today I found Oreos and bought a lot of them and they were really
expensive but totally worth it.
Hope you have a great week!
Elder Bush
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