Monday, March 6, 2017

Happy New Month

Time is moving my people. We're in March now and I forgot how hot it was last March. Yeah, that's right, I was here last year in March. See aging missionary! 

So yeah it's about a billion degrees right now in this country and I almost die every day but then I don't. I have to drink so much water and I still never drink enough. My life is actually really great I live in Liberia. 

So anyways, this week was pretty cool. We had so much progression from a few people that we are teaching and it made me so excited. My first week that I came here we had two people that we are teaching come to church and this week we had 13 people that we are teaching come to church. Sometimes the people here frustrate me, but most of the time they are just so sweet and humble and willing to submit to the will of the Lord. I just need to continually practice patience while speaking and interacting with anyone who I meet. I love that I get the opportunity to share the gospel with so many people each day, it gives me hope that more people will be willing to accept the truth. 

Apparently a rapper in Liberia died in a car accident because he was going way too fast in his car. A bunch of people were really sad and our Branch President even kind of mentioned it on Sunday and told people that they need to slow down when they drive. I thought that was kind of odd, but Liberians are like the worst drivers ever so hopefully they do learn a little bit from that. 

Besides that again, this week was pretty normal. We are expanding the are that we are in and are teaching a few people that are a 30 LD car ride away from the chapel. Even though that's only about 30 cents it's still a pretty big sacrifice for these people and we had 3 people come from that area this gone Sunday. All of them are super sweet. Brother Gray, Brother Buster and Brother Ennis. They are all very interested and willing to learn about the gospel and showed their faith on Sunday by making their way to service. 

We met with one woman this week who is really funny. We've taught her a couple of times and after we teach we will usually buy something from the little market that she has. This week when we tried to buy however, she told us she doesn't like how we behave. She doesn't like how we ask for things that cost money and then have the audacity to want to pay for them. She didn't use those words obviously but she said that we shouldn't pay anymore when we want something... Liberians are so sweet. I probably won't get anything again though so she doesn't lose money.

Well, that's about it for this week! We went to the beach again today for a big activity and it was pretty fun! I love the beach and really wish I was allowed to go swimming... But alas, my hands are tied. I love you all and hope that you have a wonderful week!

Elder Bush

1. My sister sent a train to me to give to an African child. His name is T Boy. He was happy.

. This boy is really good at smiling.
 This baby is super adorable. The mother is a recent convert named Pinky.

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