Thursday, September 28, 2017

It's Normal

Today my companion and I were walking on the road and one of the members in my former area in Caldwell was driving in his car and saw me and said, "Elder Bush! You still here?! You still in Liberia?!" Yes Brother Wulah... I'm still here.

That's okay though because right now I'm really happy and things are going well. I guess the only thing I could wish more for is maybe Goldfish. Besides that everything is wonderful. I eat a lot of rice, but since I became companions with Elder Silvis I also eat a lot of other stuff so it's not bad. I don't know if you guys ever eat plantain but I love plantain. It's so good I hope I can find it when I get home.

This week ws crazy busy once again! It's really great though I love it that way. It makes things a little stressful, but not too bad when you have a good companion who is willing to work hard with you. It also makes time go by so much faster! Every day just begins and then it ends and then it starts over again. We're about to start the fourth week of the 6 week transfer and I feel like it jsut started. 

One thign that has helped me a lot is that I don't keep track of the date anymore. That may sound strange or bad, but it helps me not to worry about how much time I have left. Each day we plan for the next day and write in our planner and on top you usually write the date. Well, I just write September now. And the date also used to be on my watch but the band on my watch also broke so I don't wear it and I never know the date. It's great! I do know that we're in September though and that it is going to end soon. Crazy stuff man. 

Well, I'm doing really well so don't worry about me. I gave away some white shirts and trousers that were in the apartment to some members on Sunday and that made me really happy. Some were mine, others were from some different missionaries. I use the same 4 white shirts and about 1 pair of trousers a week. Yeah... My hygiene isn't the best in the world. I use a lot of bleach don't worry. We use a big wide bucket to wash our clothes on Mondays. If it's sunny we hang them outside, but it has rained the past 20 out of 24 days in September, so we put them on a drying rack in the apartment. Looking forward to the dry season.

That's about it for this week! I love you all and miss you a lot. Probably not as much as I miss Costco or Walmart... But I miss you a lot rest assured :)

Sorry no pictures lately, I need to transfer them and I just keep forgetting.

Elder Bush

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

What Time Is It?

O my people this week was great. 

My new companion and I are doing really well together.  I love my companion and we get along really well together. We talk to each other all the time and like being around each other so things are really good. We worked really hard this week as well and teach in unity so far. We had a lot of the people that we taught this week come to church as well. Both investigators and recent converts. So things are going really well. We had a really fun and tiring day today as well so I don't have much time to write this but I'll try. 

I'm in the same ward as before, but a different area. I really like the area but it has a lot of hills that are going to kill me. My calves are huge now though.😉 

I really like the people that we are teaching though. We have some great people that are really accepting of the gospel. One of the men that we are teaching is hilarious. He's an older man that walks all the way to church each Sunday which is probably a good mile walk or so. We wanted to meet with him on Thursday and when we got there we said," hey we want to study with you now." He said "oh I'm supposed to go to a meeting by 12, what time is it?" We said "it's about 2:30..."  He said, "Dammih... Time really got away from us didn't it?" My companion and I were trying so hard not to laugh! That pape is hilarious! 

 I really love this new area. I'm in the same ward but a different area now so I've just been all over this place! I know Congo Town good good! 

Well that's it for this week but things are great! I love you all!

Elder Bush

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

More Photos!

1. My new area and old area...

2. Elder Takouo and I on exchange

3. Lots of boogers

I Don't See A Problem

Hey guys what's up? This week was alright-o.

So on Tuesday I went to the eye doctor because I have some small bump on my eyelid. I was told that I should go to this SDA hospital to have it checked out. So I went there. It was interesting... The place reminded me of something you might see in a movie of a undeveloped hospital. They were using a generator that kept losing power, turning on and off. Didn't comfort me too much. So anyways, I got called in and the guy starts looking at my eye for a little while, shining lights in it and nonsense. So then he draws a picture of my eye and says I have some red streaks and that comes from the sun so he'll give me some eye drops. But I stopped him and said, well that's nice but that's not why I came here. I have something in my eye like a bump I want you to feel. He felt around my eye for about 5 minutes and said, "Well, maybe I'm old but I can't feel anything so I don't know." Well sweet. Thanks Pape. So I left and my eye problem is still not fixed but I'm not really too worried about it at this point.

The rest of the week was pretty normal and whatnot. We should have a crazy busy week this week! Should be exciting! Baptism on Sunday.

Love you guys!

Elder Bush

The Turn-Around

This week was incredible! This was probably one the the best weeks on my mission and I see it as a turning point again for me. We had a General Authority Elder Nash visit our mission this week and it really helped me a lot.

So previously, I had kind of been feeling down about my mission and the mission in general. I felt like the work was almost coming to a standstill and it just wasn't very nice. So going into zone conference on Thursday that's how I felt. After zone conference, a meeting afterwards with Elder Nash and a special MLC meeting with him the following day... I feel spiritually uplifted. It's ironic because in the meeting we were talking about lifting others but I really felt like he lifted me. He is really an amazing teacher and I learned so much from him.

In our meetings we talked about the plan of salvation a lot and how we fit into that plan. We often think about that plan, but sometimes I think we neglect to see ourselves in it. Our purpose here is so much more than what we may think it is. I really got to understand how important it is that I am here and what I will do with my time. It is the only purpose of God to grant unto every child he has the glory and happiness that he has in the heavens. So I'm just trying to help some few people to have that happiness. The work will continue!

Our MLC meeting was really great as well. We talked about our plan for the mission and what we can do to improve. I feel that if we do the things that we talked about there we can really change. One of my favorite scriptures now is 2 Nephi 2:8-10. Kind of an obscure scripture, but it contains so much power and meaning. I shared it with Sister Nash and she really liked it. It's amazing how much we can learn while we are here. 

After Friday, the rest of the week went alright. I am now with my companion that should have been with me since last transfer, Elder Silvis. He is from Idaho and we're going to do really wekk together I already know it. Two white men walking the streets of Liberia. What a sight. 

Several missionaries are going home tomorrow and several are coming as well. This is good news. That means I only have a few transfers left. But I'm ready to work throughout the rest of my time here. Hopefully the new missionaries will give us some energy and zeal for the work. My trainer is also going home tomorrow. This mission is going to change soon!

I love you all and I love my mission. I love being able to serve here. I'm so blessed for all I have been given. This mission has truly helped me appreciate all that I have and has given me a desire to give more. Thanks for all your support I love you all!

Elder Bush

1. Baptism for Ben! He was taught by missionaries before and then we took over their area for them in addition to our area. He's great.
2. Me and my father Elder Ojo, my peace I leave with you (They call their trainer "father" since they are such newbies when they first get there)

3. Elder Takouo and Elder Silvis had a baptism Saturday and there was no water so we had to draw water from a well and haul it into the font with buckets, many members also helped including this cute small girl :)

4. My drawing of me

5. Two children were in church on Sunday because of the rain, but I still tried to teach them how to sing I Am a Child of God... Someone needs to teach me!