Wednesday, September 13, 2017

What Time Is It?

O my people this week was great. 

My new companion and I are doing really well together.  I love my companion and we get along really well together. We talk to each other all the time and like being around each other so things are really good. We worked really hard this week as well and teach in unity so far. We had a lot of the people that we taught this week come to church as well. Both investigators and recent converts. So things are going really well. We had a really fun and tiring day today as well so I don't have much time to write this but I'll try. 

I'm in the same ward as before, but a different area. I really like the area but it has a lot of hills that are going to kill me. My calves are huge now though.😉 

I really like the people that we are teaching though. We have some great people that are really accepting of the gospel. One of the men that we are teaching is hilarious. He's an older man that walks all the way to church each Sunday which is probably a good mile walk or so. We wanted to meet with him on Thursday and when we got there we said," hey we want to study with you now." He said "oh I'm supposed to go to a meeting by 12, what time is it?" We said "it's about 2:30..."  He said, "Dammih... Time really got away from us didn't it?" My companion and I were trying so hard not to laugh! That pape is hilarious! 

 I really love this new area. I'm in the same ward but a different area now so I've just been all over this place! I know Congo Town good good! 

Well that's it for this week but things are great! I love you all!

Elder Bush

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