Hello my people,
This week was great. Not small tired. I can be tired though, but we fighting it each day. My new companion Elder Cook is really cool and
we're getting along very well. The only thing was that this week we were very
busy! We kept getting back to our apartment super late and I just wanted to get
to bed early but I never could. I think we were really blessed in the area
On Wednesday we had MLC (Missionary Leadership Council). By God's grace my name got on the
whiteboard. The whiteboard is where they write the names of all the
missionaries that are going home... Well, I am going home and my name was on
the board. You don't know how long I have been waiting for my name to be on
that board. Sweet hallelujah. MLC was cool, I only have one left though! We
just talked about how we can improve the mission and stuff. A lot of
missionaries are really tired because they are going home. Just trying to find
a way to encourage them and help them to keep going! I can't stop now I've been
doing this for like 34 years now so I need to finish strong.
The rest of the week was pretty normal. Elder Cook and I
teach really well together. We have nice unity and he is a really good teacher.
We had an amazing lesson with a man named Emmanuel and his wife Patience. They
were a referral from Brother Tweh in our ward who we haven't been able to meet
for a long time because the man has been kind of busy. They have been having
some issues with their church and haven't been going recently and the man is
having some free time now. It was the perfect opportunity! So we went to his
house and brought Brother Tweh's wife to teach them. Brother Tweh and his wife
are both returned missionaries so that is nice. We taught Brother Emmanuel and
his wife about How Christ's church was built, fell and was restored on the
earth today. It went so well and we told them we would come back and teach them
this week. I love when members give us referrals and even more when they give
us good referrals! They're legally married so that is a bonus.;)
Today we went to a breakfast buffet and played basketball
again. So much fun. Probably my last time playing basketball in Liberia. Thank heavens... The courts here are so bad I fall every time because the ground is
I love you all and can't wait to see you soon!!
Elder Bush
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