Hello Again!
Okay sorry for making the last letter kind of depressing I
really am enjoying my time here. I forgot to mention that my second day at the
MTC they called me as a district leader over 7 other African missionaries and
its been fairly stressful. I'm pretty hard on myself and I feel like I should
be able to do and understand everything right away which may not be possible.
Their English is also really difficult to comprehend and eventually I'm going
to have to speak like them too which is scary. My fake accent that I tried
before is not gonna cut it honestly. Sometimes I feel like I'm trying to take
care of a bunch of children but that's okay!
Anyways, let me tell you a little bit more about my
experience so far. I think there are about 90 missionaries at the MTC in Ghana
and there are probably around 8 white missionaries and the rest are African.
Some of them are super awesome and some can be a little much to handle but I
love them anyways. My companion is Elder Edemenga which is difficult to pronounce
but I've gotten it down now. He's 25 but often acts like he is 5 so you just
have to ignore him in those moments and he'll stop bugging you.
Every day we get to play sports for about an hour in the
afternoon and its really funny because all of the white missionaries play
basketball and all of the African missionaries play soccer. It's kind of a
strange sight but it makes me happy because I'm finally better than some black
We went to the temple the other day and that was super
awesome. There was this little black girl in the waiting room that they sat
next to me because she was waiting to get sealed to her family and she was
probably the cutest thing I've ever seen. Because we got back so late they
graciously decided to let us email today instead, but usually I'll be sending
emails on Wednesday at about 2 or 3 o'clock my time in the MTC.
The MTC is pretty nice and has weird food that they give you
too much of but I like most of it. They have working showers and the rooms even
have air conditioning! I don't think Liberia is going to be so luxurious. Some
of the African missionaries are so sweet and I love them. One was playing “Come
to Zion” on the piano the other day and the entire MTC was gathered around the
piano singing along to it and I thought, “ wow, this is pretty awesome I can't
believe I'm here.”
I'm beginning to get accustomed to the heat and the whole
living in Africa thing so that's nice. I'm hoping that by the time I come home
you won't be able to understand me when I talk. That's my main goal really.
I'm really excited to go to Liberia. The MTC is nice and
everything but I guess just being confined really drives me nuts and I just
want to get out there and teach. One of the Elders from the states knew a
couple who lived there for a mission and told him some things about it. I'm
going to wait until I get there to tell you so that mom isn't too
I love it here and can't wait to continue on through the
rest of my mission, I miss everyone at home though!
Also, if I don't respond to you right away I'm sorry but I
promise that I will once time allows it!
Love you all,
Elder Bush
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