It's ya boy
Steve and this is going to be a quick letter so be ready.
So as of
right now it is Wednesday morning and its almost 8 am here. We're about to go
to the Ghana temple again so I'm really excited for that. I will be leaving for
Liberia on Tuesday by airplane to go to Monrovia. Really ready to leave this
place but I love it :)
Okay quick
story I wanted to share. It's been tough leading a bunch of missionaries who
are often disobedient but I've been working really hard and praying a lot.
Yesterday our teacher gave a lesson and he got angry with us and totally took
the spirit out of the room. We all felt it and agreed that the teacher was not
teaching with love. After this I later
apologized to my group and said that I had been really harsh on them and that's
not who I am and that I was sorry. I wanted to teach with love. They all
accepted my apology. A really humbling experience.
That's all I
have time for I think I might not be able to email until 2 weeks but I'm not
sure I'll try to reply to everyone then, sorry I couldn't get to many of you
this week!
Elder Bush
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