Monday, March 21, 2016

A Little Less Crazy?

Hello everyone!
So I'm going to make this week’s letter a little shorter so that I can actually respond to other people. Right now we're only getting an hour so I'm working with what I got. 

Anyways, Liberia is still crazy but I adjusted a lot this week. I felt like this entire week went faster than the first four days here.

We teach more people in a week than most missionaries probably do in a month or year. Seriously. Like having 5 lessons in one day is kind of disappointing. Our goals for this week are like 10 lessons with a member present, 25 other lessons and like 10 recent convert or less active lessons. Baptisms will be coming soon so stay alert :)

I'll just share a quick story with everyone that was pretty interesting from this week. We met a guy on the street and he told us that he was a member of the church and he wanted us to come teach the children at this orphanage that is in our area. So after walking for an hour to get to the place we walk into to orphanage and it really just hurts my heart to even think about it. We are so blessed. These children are sleeping on the floor with just towels laid down to sleep on top of. It's just dirt ground with trash all over and cement walls. There are probably 15 kids who sleep in that one room but only 4 were there that day. So we go into another little shack place and we teach the kids that were there a lesson about the restoration. One was 10, the other 11, and the other two were under 8. After we get done teaching the man that took us there told us that he was an apostle in the church... My companion and I just kind of looked at each other. A little while later we left and pretty much knew we couldn't come back. The man even came to church on Sunday and had an interview with the branch president where he still claimed to be an apostle and endowed in the Ghana temple. The branch president gave him a Liahona magazine. It's sad, but it doesn't seem worth it to go and teach those kids. It's so far away and we already have so many people to teach I just don't think we can do it. And we don't know how they would get to church either. 

I'll give more updates soon, my companion and I are getting along pretty well now and I'm really starting to enjoy it. Sometimes when I'm taking a shower out of a bucket I think wow this is awesome I'm really living a crazy life in Africa. Other times I think wow I'll be taking a shower out of a bucket for the next two years, that sucks.

Education is a really big issue! Most people either can't read or have a really hard time reading which makes me sad. 

Okay that's it for now I'll say more next week!
Love you all! :)
Elder Bush

(Answers to a couple of questions I asked)
I do get to sleep at night. The generator runs from 7 at night to 5 in the morning which is really really nice actually. It's very hot and I sweat more than anyone on the planet. You know how Jesus bled from every pore? Well I think I sweat from every poor which is great. I started on the very first hole on my belt and I've now tightened it to the third one so that's awesome. Many spiritual experiences and baptisms will come soon. My companion and I are getting along much better now and I'm much more involved with the teaching which is great. I have a lot of studying to do but I'm improving.

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