Monday, March 28, 2016

Hello from Liberia

Hello All!
So today the internet is really slow and I want to reply to more people so I'm going to try to be short. So the moment is finally here that you've all been waiting for I'm sure. My first baptism! More specifically, three of them. My companion was nice and since he knew it was my first one he let me actually baptize the three girls. It was awesome and I'm looking forward to many more. I wish I could send pictures but I can't do that until I'm in an area that has wifi or something. So as soon as I can I will send many pictures. 

In other news, Friday was pretty much the worst day of my life for reasons that I won't explain on here but if you ask me personally I might get back to you with a funny story. (It involved stomach issues) I don't want to focus on the negatives though because there are so many other good things that happen!

For example, I'm still blown away by the numbers and goals that we set. On I think Tuesday this week, we didn't end up eating lunch because everyone seemed to be at home so we just went from lesson to lesson. We taught 10 lessons and gave a lady a blessing that day. It was nuts. I know some missionaries may not get that in a few months. 

Things here still make me smile and laugh. We eat so much rice you wouldn't believe it. The people are so nice and are always willing to talk to you. The hardest part is just getting them to church. They always say that they have their church that they go to. And everyone says they are baptized but they usually start to question themselves when we ask how they were baptized, by what authority, by who, and how they received the gift of the Holy Ghost. It's a big issue. Along with being legally married. They all say they're married but it’s always a traditional wedding which technically doesn't count and that makes things difficult. 

So I'm just going to share a couple of things from their little language before I sign off here.
wha yer ma knee?   ----   What's your mom's name?
Wha yer knee?   ----- What's your name?
How you comin on?   ----- How are you?
There's a few more that I can't think of right now but I'm improving small small. Which they always say also. Small small. 

Also, the kids love me and always shout my name or white man hello! Except occasionally when kids are under 2 years old they're really afraid of me and cry which is kind of funny. Not many white people here. 
Okay none. 

Love you all!
Elder Bush

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