Monday, April 11, 2016

I'm Coming Small Small

My man I tellin you!

Sweet is the work in Liberia. I'm constantly in a state of bewilderment that I'm in Africa. I forget that this country is on a different continent sometimes but its an awesome place please don't ever visit it. 

So my mom told me I should be more descriptive of what Liberia is like since I can't send photos right now. I hope that I'll be able to soon. So this is my attempt.

Liberia has a few roads that are concrete and they are usually very packed with broken cars and many motorbikes going down the road. Everyone here that drives is a taxi driver pretty much. you pack probably 6 or 7 people in a small car and head on down the road. Besides the few main roads its mostly dirt roads with lot of trash on them. There's also a lot of sand here. Our mission is fairly close to the beach actually and we even went there earlier today which was pretty cool. It's usually pretty loud unless you're in one of the small towns that we proselyte in. There, people live in small houses I guess you could call them. Made of concrete if you're a little more privileged and maybe just the zinc sheets that most use for their roofs if you don't have that kind of money. So basically most people kind of live in what you might call a hut but its probably not that bad. Most of the people in my area right now get their water by pumping it out of a well and they also drink that water often which is pretty scary but I guess they're used to it. Besides that, its really hot all the time and its around 90 degrees when I go to bed, at least according to my clock. The people are great though. They're extremely humble and loving, but they can be stubborn as well which I explained in my last email. Again, no white people but I did see some when we went to the mission office which is in town the other day for a special interview for one of our baptismal candidates. The town is a nicer area but I've only been there like twice so far so I don't know too much about it. 

Other than that, Liberia is very poor as you know. It's unfortunate because if they could get their act together this place really could be a vacation spot because it's really beautiful. Especially at night there are beautiful sunsets and the weather is perfect. But the rainy season is coming and that means it will dump rain day after day all day long so don't worry. They give us rain boots.

As for me, I'm just really grateful for this opportunity. I hope I don't make it sound like I don't want to be here because every day I think about how cool it is that I got called to serve here. I mean our zone goal was 100 baptisms in like 5 districts I think. Small area, and we may not achieve it but still that's crazy. I fell super blessed and I hope I'll be able to send pictures soon because I've been trying to take a lot. 

I love walking around certain areas because like 20 kids will yell, "Elder Bush! Elder Bush!" when that see me coming. It's mostly because I'm white but I hope they like me for who I am as well :)
I love all of you and I love reading any emails that I receive so continue to send them please and give your advice because I could always use it. 

Oh and by the way one of the other Elders cut my hair today for the first time since I got here and it actually went pretty well. I need to find the clippers and everything to do it though because I'll need to cut it again eventually and I can't rely on others to have the supplies I need so we'll see how that goes. 

I got to watch Sunday afternoon conference at church and let me tell you... Jeffrey R. Holland is an apostle of the Lord and there's no doubt about it. I loved his talk and I think I can really apply it to my life and experiences here on my mission. 

Okay I love you all and I'll talk to you soon! Sorry I was going to end earlier and then I kept remembering things so this is the end now I promise. Sorry if you were confused.

With love,
Elder Bush

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