Monday, April 25, 2016

Mind and Body

So this week of course was an interesting one once again!

I'm basically on the biggest roller coaster in the world here (even though the people have probably never even heard of a roller coaster before). I have some of the highest highs and lowest lows I think out of anyone I know, but mostly I enjoy. 

SO here's the thing. I won't go into too much detail, but I'm sure you all have great imaginations so you can infer what has happened. My stomach has not felt too well this week. Yeah, you knew it was going to come at some point but you hope it never comes. Luckily enough for me though, The Lord was merciful upon me and helped me to have the strength to go out and teach every day this week. However, as soon as we returned to the apartment the pain returned but that's alright. Today I'm feeling much better and I'm hoping that will be left behind me. I'm thinking that all of my little afflictions are in the past now. 

So onto the good news! Remember that crazy guy who I talked about who had the orphanage and claimed to be an apostle that we were going to? Yeah, well we stopped going there because he wasn't a member and it kind of hurt my heart to see those sweet children living in such poor conditions. I do think that God recognized our efforts though because when we were walking back from that place one time a man named Brother Wah stopped us. Now, Jacob's Town is about a 40 minute walk from the chapel and so when he stopped us we didn't really think much of it. We gave him a pamphlet and invited him to church but we didn't even take his number because he lives so far away. We are very foolish people obviously.

Brother Wah has now attended church the past 4 Sundays. We walk to his house every Wednesday and Friday (because we're not allowed to take motor bikes anymore) which is still about 40 minutes each way. It is totally and completely worth it. This man reads everything that we give him (which is also rare because most people have a hard time reading so they don't try) and he truly understands it and accepts it. He is the best person you could ever wish to teach on your mission and is just a perfect investigator in the church for missionaries and I love going to see him. He has even told us that someone called him one week and said something was wrong with his car on Sunday, but he came anyways because he knew it was just the devil trying to keep him from getting closer to God. Then the next week he couldn't find his keys so he broke the lock on his door because he didn't have time to search and so that he could get to church on time. He then replaced the locks later. Yeah, he's awesome. He's a sure baptism and I'm so excited for it.

In other news, the rain hasn't started except for once at night but I know that it will come some. Probably a week or two away now. We have rain boots and an umbrella though so I'm really excited. Again, they say at times it will rain for 7 days straight, day and night. So pumped.

I hope you all enjoyed the pictures that I was able to send last week! I was really relieved that I finally got to give people an idea of what kind of area I'm in. It's super cool and I thank God every day that I'm able and physically fit enough to serve in such a remote, but incredible place. I truly feel blessed.

Oh! Also, last week I found Ramen Noodles and that made me really happy. I made them today and I'm pretty sure that ants had gotten in them but I think I picked them all out so... It's probably fine. If not, well they probably have protein so that's cool. 

Hope you are all doing well and I encourage you to keep sending your love I like hearing from you!

I guess pictures aren't working right now so I'll try later.

Elder Bush

A Portion of Letter to Dad:

The people that I meet are so amazing. Everyone here is so kind and willing to listen to our message. Even if they aren't interested they still are willing to listen. Luckily we get the generator to be on until 5 in the morning so we have fans on at night (I have 2 :)). However, since one Elder left at the transfer I get up at 5 to turn it off every morning. I think about how early you get up each day and how hard you work. I try to do that as best as I can but man I get tired. We walk probably around 5-10 miles a day because we aren't allowed to take bikes anymore.I always get up on time though because of your example.

 The Book of Mormon is so true and I miss going to our home ward. Church here is good but its very different. It doesn't feel like I'm truly at church. I don't know how to explain it though it just is.
 I miss the temple a lot and often wish that I could go there because it brings such a feeling of peace that I wish I could always have with me. 

I'm so happy that I'm able to do missionary work here. These people love me so much and it makes it so easy to show my love back to them. Especially the children. They all make me smile and are so beautiful. The work is hard sometimes, but its so sweet and Liberia is the best mission in the world and I'm so blessed that the Lord trusted me enough to send me here. I often wonder why God blessed me so much in my life, but I'm so glad that He did!

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