Another week finished in the coolest place on Earth (not
temperature wise of course). This week had its ups and downs for sure but all
in all I guess you could say that it was a decent week.
I was a little disappointed with the amount of lessons that
we were able to teach this week honestly. It seemed as if every day there was
something that inhibited us from teaching more people. This was the first week
that I have taught less than 30 lessons so far on my mission. It wasn't that we
weren't working hard, but that people weren't at home, I was throwing up, or
meetings went really long. I know I shouldn't make any excuses, but I guess I
just felt like the work did not move as well this week as it should have. My
companion and I have already discussed how next week is going to be much better
and much more productive. I'm excited for the improvements to come in this
coming week.
In other news, I'm really starting to probably get a little
annoying with the way that I talk now. I've begun to pick up a lot of the
phrases that Liberians say and you might laugh at first but I know it is going
to get really irritating. I just find their sayings so funny. I say Heyyy mannn
a lot because they say that a bunch. I'm finding that my speech is starting to
be altered almost completely now. The Mission President's wife called me the
other day to ask me about something and she couldn't understand me because of
the way that I spoke. I thought that was hilarious. She also reminded me that I
should try to teach them to speak good English... Wish me luck with that one.
Most people say that I speak like a Liberian man now. So the coloqua or however
you spell it is coming pretty well. Maybe I've received the gift of tongues who
I wanted to share a story from probably my favorite recent
convert that he told us this week. Again it is the wonderful brother Wah.
Brother Wah is like a brick wall in the sense that nothing seems like it could
get between him and the church because of how committed to it he is now. Before
we met Brother Wah, he was applying for a job to be a drafter for some people,
meaning just like building design/concrete type thing I'm not exactly sure
honestly. Anyways, this gone Monday he went to talk with the people and they
offered him the job. The job was $450 US a month, which in Liberia is like a
ton of money. Seriously. If you're making $450 a month you're rollin in money
basically. He said that the contract that they wanted however required him to
work on Sundays and even conflicted with sacrament meeting. He told them that
he couldn't work on Sundays and turned them down. They even offered $50 more
dollars and he still said no. I really just was so impressed and so grateful
for his strength in staying away from something that he knew to be wrong. I
just truly hope that if I come across a similar problem one day that I will be
able to call upon the same strength that Brother Wah had that day and continues
to have. He is an example to me and others as well I believe.
That was a really great experience and many other things
from this week were great that I wish I could share all of them, but sadly I am
not that mighty in writing as I am in speaking ;) So next week I can include
some more and I promise to really try and find a way to send some pictures soon
because it's hard keeping all these wonderful and crazy experiences to myself!
I love each and every one of you and I pray for all of you
every day. Don't worry about Africa boy, he is enjoying life with the Lions and
Elephants and things.
Hope to talk to you all soon!
Elder Bush
PS I forgot to add!
I've gotten word that there's a chance another part of this
mission could open up somewhat soon in a place called Maryland. Right now I
guess they're trying to fix a bridge that leads there, but apparently once they
do that they'll probably open up that part of the mission and I'm really hoping
that I would get to be one of the first missionaries to go there because it
would be super cool and we would probably baptize like 50 people a week.
Maryland is like at the bottom of Liberia and really far away from anything so
it would be nuts and also super cool so I'm praying that happens for real. I
know it would make my mom happy :)
Okay that's all, bye bye-o!