Monday, June 6, 2016

Training But No Raining

Sweet sweet, sweeto. Another week, another six days full of adventure.

The beginning of this week I was with a Ugandan Elder who lives in the same apartment as me. We were both called to train so we were both waiting for our new companions to come to Liberia. So we just had like 2 days together.

Wednesday my new companion came and he is bigger than I am that's for sure. He is from Oregon but his parents are Tongan. He's super nice and is really trying hard to be a good missionary so I think we will do great together. I pretty much said everything in the lessons this week which was fine, but I'm sure he will begin to put in his input soon. His name is Elder Toloke and he is probably a little bit shorter than me and about 280. I think I might kill him by the time his training is finished though because of how much we walk and the speed at which we walk. I had him lead for a little one day and I noticed that he walked considerably slower than I do. So hopefully he doesn't die but we will see. 

I was a little nervous about training, but I could see how the Lord blessed me this week. When we would teach lessons and my companion wouldn't say much because he's new, it honestly felt like I just remembered everything I had ever studied. I began to quote scriptures that I'm pretty sure I had only read one time and knew exactly where to find the answer to questions that people asked. My knowledge of the New Testament is especially improving which I really enjoy. 1 Corinthians might be my favorite book. But I digress...

We had a lot of lessons this week once again and I'm hoping that soon we will be able to contact some new people and help them get to church. Rainy season is fast approaching and that will be a really easy excuse for people to make as to why they didn't come to church which will be irritating. Although, this week it was still super hot and it only rained on one night I think. 

Now that I know I'll be in this area for my first six months, I'm not really sure how to feel about it. I really like it here, but I keep thinking six months in the same area is a pretty long time. I know it will go fast, but I just hope I get to see all the different parts of Liberia!

Besides that, I'm not sure there is too much else to say about this week. I'm excited to train my new companion and help him to be the best missionary that he can be. I'm loving the work and everything else that Liberia has to offer. 

I don't think that I'll be sending pictures once again this week. It can be a big struggle since Liberia is pretty slow when it comes to technology and whatnot. Hopefully one day I'll just be able to send all of them but for now my options are limited since my camera can't send pictures directly through email and wifi. It needs a device or something I don't know. One fine day.
Love you all and I miss you. Hope you are having the best life.

Elder Bush

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