Tuesday, June 28, 2016

No Watah Again-o

Yeah Hello! How your body-o? I promised a good letter this week so here you go.

Yes I can still speak proper English, although I saw one of the American Elders who was with me at the MTC and he was like woah, you really have a Liberian accent. I really think that I inherited it from my mom because even the Liberians say I speak it very well and sound like them so that's cool. Gift of tongues in a way I guess.
First of all, whoever is in control of Paynesville is causing us to suffah I tell you. Aye man, for some reason there is no running water at all so this whole week we were using water from the tank and now we have to fetch water from a well if we need water hahahaha. Thinking about it now I don't know why it seems funny but it is. I guess it's kind of cool because when my own child goes on a mission and complains I can tell him that I used to draw water from a well on my mission so suck it up. It's really not that bad though because at least the generator is still working so we have power at night. I shouldn't complain, my life is good. (I asked him about how the well works, this is his reply: "The well is just literally like a well you might see in an old movie. It's just a cement cirlce that goes down really deep. It had a gas can that they've cut holes into so it will sink in the water. It's super deep and you drop down the gas container and pull it back up with a rope that they've attached it to. Kind of cool honestly.")
In other news! This week we had 3 more people baptized and comfirmed so that was supah sweet. Hawa Morris, Theresa Goffa, and her son Tony Obina were all baptized on Saturday and confirmed Sunday. Tony is pretty small (he's 9), but I could really tell how happy Hawa and Theresa were to be baptized. It had been a long process for the both of them due to complications with some commandments, but I'm so grateful that they made such a wonderful decision to be baptized.
This week I felt really good about all the lessons we were able to teach and the people that we were able to meet. I really thought that we had some quality discussions where we were able to get through to some people. On Saturday we even met with a woman who said that she had been wondering how she could become a member because she admired the church. We taught a lesson with a man that same day where I felt prompted to introduce the Book of Mormon right away that went really well. We called everyone Saturday night and again in the morning to remind them to come to church. We were really expecting a lot to attend and when the time came almost no one was there. It rained a little in the morning, but even people who said they were on their way over in the morning were not there. We thought that definitely this woman who said she wanted to be a member and many more would be there, so we were a little sad, but of course not discouraged. We know that next week things will be better and we'll just continue to work hard. I know that missionaries in other places are experiencing so much more discouragement and hardship than we are, having one bad week as far as chruch attendance. I am grateful that the 3 we baptized the day before were all there on time and confirmed! So no wahala. No Palava. (No problem).
Also, this week one of our recent converts started to teach me some Pelee. It is a dialect in Liberia (there are plenty) that is pretty common and it's kind of fun. Hopefully I can learn it really well so I can be full on African. Although that is not what I'm focused on! ;)
Overall, I enjoyed this week and again it is continuing to move forward quickly. We had a member of the Quorum of the Seventy do a Mission Tour here and so he came and spoke to us about our missions and how we can be better missionaries. I really learned a lot from him and really hope to be a missionary at all times and not just some of the time like he said. We enjoyed a nice lunch of chicken and rice afterwards too, and it was fried chicken so it was supah nice.
Finally, yesterday one of our recent converts did not come to church because she was feeling ill, so we went to visit her after church. We read in the Book of Mormon with her a little bit. As she read I reflected back on the first time that we met with her. I recalled how incoherent and nearly incapable her reading abilities were at the time. However, because she had been reading the Book of Mormon diligently, her reading skills have vastly improved. It's remarkable the progress that she has made since we first met her. It brings me so much joy that becoming a member of the church helps a person grow not only spiritually, but intellectually as well. It was really such a wonderful thing to see.
That is all for now! I believe that soon I will be able to send pictures so just remain patient please! I love you all and hope you have a wonderful week!

Elder Bush

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