First thing is first... I apologize for the depressing letter from
last week. Things really started looking up this week and I'm really
happy so let me tell you about it.
This week I would would like to start by explaining what happened on
Wednesday. As missionaries, sometimes we change companions for a day so
that we can learn from other missionaries and experience different areas
and whatnot. Well, Wednesday I went with a missionary named Elder
Mensah to his area to proselyte with him and spent the night at their
apartment. My experience there was not great. Not to go into too much
detail, I didn't enjoy the night too much, and I didn't really enjoy the
way that the day went because of how we taught our lessons... I know
I'm being vague, but I don't want to speak ill against others too much.
THE POINT IS, that when I got back to my apartment, with my companion,
and with my own bed and everything I was super happy. I felt that the
experience made me realize that things could be a lot worse than what
they are.
I have really grown to love my companion. He is a sweetheart and just
has a little anger issue that we're working on now. He got upset in a
meeting with just missionaries this week and had to punch the wall a
couple of times just to make sure that it was solid and wouldn't fall
down. After he walked outside though and I talked to him and cooled him
down a little bit he said his hand was okay and the cement wall took the
win... This time.
But anyways! He got a huge 44 pound package from his mother full of junk
food this week which made him really happy and it made me happy that he
was happy. But he is also super generous with the food which is nice.
One other story that I wanted to share. We taught a lot of people this
week and a lot came to church actually (19). But I think the best part
was when we met with this one woman called Sister Sharba. She said that
she was baptized in 2011 and was preparing to serve mission, but then
she got pregnant and didn't go. She actually continued to stay in the
church until she saw all her other friends going. She did not go to
church for two years straight because she felt bad because she wanted to
serve a mission so bad but felt shamed when she saw everyone else going
and she couldn't. We talked to her, but most importantly, we listened
to what she said. I did my best to really understand how she was feeling
and then responded. I told her that as bad as she feels, her 5 year old
son has been telling her that he wants to go to church, and the best
and greatest responsibility a woman has in this world is not to serve a
mission, but rather to bare and take care of children. That is the
greatest gift that He has given them and that is what she needs to focus
on. And while that is the best gift, she needs to focus on that child
and do what is best for him, which is to come to church. I told her that
even if she did not serve a mission, her son still has the opportunity
to, but the only way to do that is if she comes to church with him. I
felt the spirit as we taught this woman and as she told us that she
would come to church. The greatest part was, however, when we saw her at
church the next day... For the first time in two years. She had friends
that thanked us for bringing her back. I felt so grateful that at least
I could try to do my own small part for this woman and that the Lord
did the rest.
I love my mission. I love you all! Hope you have the best week :)
Go find those lost sheep :)
Elder Bush