Tuesday, September 20, 2016

You tink dat small ting?

The subject in this email doesn't really have anything to do with what I am writing today but I like it when people say that.

Anyways this week was normal and also pretty fast so I was happy. Missionary work in Liberia is sweet my man. Even though things aren't always easy, I'm so happy that I'm here and not anywhere else.

The coolest thing that happened this week was when there was a thief that got caught at the church. Hopefully my mom an attach that story because I already sent it to her and I don't feel like writing it again. But seriously if you ever go to Africa please do not steal they will beat you until your brain does not work anymore. 
"The Story":We had a meeting for missionaries at the church today, but immediately following the meeting there was a guy who got cornered into the church compound because people chased him there and started beating him because he stole a big water barrel. After people beat him with rods and sticks for a while they finally locked him in a room and waited for the police to come. In the room he broke the window, but don't worry there are bars on all doors and windows so he couldn't get out.

In Africa, and especially in Liberia, if you steal or thieve, even if it is something that would cost about 10 LD(about 10 cents), these people will literally beat you to death. People in the community or just around will come and join in and just start beating you until you die or until someone pleads for your case. Especially if it's not the first time they've caught you. Africa is cool. Justice done the right way if you ask me. A biscuit in exchange for your life makes sense to me. ;) Anyways, that's my story. Stay free America.

My companion and I did not have a baptism this week but the other elders in the apartment did and let me tell you... TIA (This is Africa). Anything that could have gone wrong basically did. The font had no water and no power to pump water so we had to carry buckets of water and dump them into the font from one singular faucet outside until the thing was full. The people that were supposed to be baptized were late so we had to go to their place and get them. There was even a woman that was supposed to get interviewed that morning and when President Sayon (the guy doing the interview) finally came very late the woman failed the interview because she still had some issues she needs to fix. All kinds of issues but the work must go on! 

The only other news is that some General Authorities from the church are coming this week and that's really exciting. Apparently an Apostle is coming as well but we don't know which one yet. We think it may be because they are finally going to create a stake here which would be really exciting because all we have is branches right now. Sorry for everyone who isn't Mormon because I'm sure that this part is really confusing and doesn't make any sense, but just know that some church stuff is going on and I'm excited for it!

Everything with my companion is good. He is a good guy and we had a really nice talk this week where he opened up to me and told me some things that have happened in his life that have not made it too easy. We're working well together and seeing a lot of progress from the people that we are teaching so all is well.

Liberia is still Liberia.

Oh! This apartment also has a water heater and I finally turned it on and started using it this week and it was so sweet. My first hot bath without a bucket in like almost 7 months. Livin big!!

Love you all bye bye o

Elder Bush

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