Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Apostle Visit

So this week was really sweet. Gary E Stevenson of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles came and visited us and spoke to us. Again, probably not much meaning to you but I thought it was cool. His message to us as missionaries was pretty simple but very powerful. My favorite part was when he explained that we know obedience leads to blessings and blessings lead to happiness. In contrast, Wickedness will lead to punishment and punishment will lead to sorrow. He said that most people mistake this pattern and seem to think that wickedness will somehow lead us to happiness but that is not how things work. So we need to be sure that we are obedient to the Lord and his commandments and then we can expect happiness.

Besides that it was a pretty normal week. Elder Soares of the Seventy also came to us and was with us on Sunday too when we had a conference. It was far away but we still had some of the people that we are teaching come which was great!

I don't feel like writing that much today so I'll write more next week. Love you all and I'll try to send some pictures because those are worth a thousand words right? ;)
This first pictures are of some children platting my hair in my last area.

Baptism in last area :)

One of the people I baptized in my last area named Comfort

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