Monday, October 17, 2016

What A Ride

Oh what a life here in Liberia. Things have gone up and down and all around this week it really was quite a roller coaster. 

I'm still doing well and everything is great in the life of this missionary so here is a little about my week. 

My companion and I had a little rough spot at the beginning of this week that we eventually figured out and everything is cool now. Kind of makes me want to never get married because I like my independence and doing what I want to do... But I guess maybe one day I will do that who knows. We had another service project where we use machetes and other stuff to cut down weeds and grass. Yes, we just use machetes! it's super tight and I'll probably bring some home. It was fun and ants here really suck.

I was feeling a little discouraged because I was thinking that this transfer (6 weeks) we will probably only have one baptism but then something happened... WE FINALLY FOUND A LEGALLY MARRIED COUPLE. I don't think you understand how difficult it is to find someone who is married legally here. I'm so excited to teach this family and hopefully see them progress. Bro Emmanuel and Martha are very kind and they have two children. One is 8 and the other is 6 and they are very willing to listen to us. They told us that next week they will visit us at the church and I really hope that is true it would make me so happy. Another blessing that came was another woman and her 3 children that came to church on Sunday and are ready for the gospel. She's not married, but she isn't living with a man. We taught all of them and are hoping they will be ready by November 19th. Even the ma of these small children that we were teaching came to church again and we weren't even able to see her this week because she wasn't home. Yesterday we had 21 investigators come to church and I couldn't be happier. I can really feel the blessings coming in and we're very hopeful for some upcoming baptisms. I love this work that we are doing so much. I look forward to helping others know the truth each and every day. 

After church we went and saw a less active woman who has been coming back to church and she had a bunch of food for us. Very nice plantains and chicken and all kind of stuff to make me fat but it was very sweet. 

The only other bad news was when my companion almost killed a keke driver because he wanted to charge us more than what the drive cost us... I held him back and he's doing okay now. We all learn from our mistakes so it's all good. Hopefully it won't happen again, I'm just glad I was there because that dude would be in the hospital right now if I wasn't. He said he was sorry and drove away nervously hahaha. 

No running water right now but hopefully that gets fixed soon. I'm happy right now and my stomach hurts a little bit but no wahala. I love you all. Keep me in touch and updated. 

Elder Bush

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