Monday, October 24, 2016

Out of the Teens

What's up everyone? yes I am no longer in my teenage youth and am now a big adult with lots of responsibilities and wisdom. I don't feel old, I feel the same. In fact, I still feel really young like I'm 17 or 18. 

Thank you so much for all the birthday wishes! it means a lot to me that you all sent your love from so far away. I bless Gah for ya'll-o.

This week was cool. I didn't do much for my birthday because I don't make too much of a deal out of it. We just went out and proselyted like any other Saturday. Today we did go in town to a nice little restaurant though to get some food which was pretty sweet. But I got a wonderful package from my beautiful mother that made me very much happy. Amazingly enough, she sent it on Tuesday and I got a call from the office saying that they had it on Friday! Only 3 days is insane. 

The really good news from this week though was from Sunday. We had 27 of the people that we are teaching come to church. Even 4 came late that we didn't technically consider to count because they were so late but still. Chi, Liberia is sweet! We're hoping for several baptisms in the next month or two. 

We had one baptism on my birthday which was sweet. Sister Janet is 9 years old and both of her parents are members. The reason she wasn't baptized when she was 8 was because apparently she was living with her grandma or something. She had a really hard time going in the water though because she was deathly afraid of going backwards. It was really sad but also kind of funny and she finally went and I was happy. Yeah. 

Short letter this week so I can try to respond to you all. Love you guys Liberia is cool sometimes.

Elder Bush

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