Monday, November 7, 2016

Short and Sweet

This week will be short because we played basketball today and we got a little behind but at least I'm getting to you!

Really fun to play basketball today but so much heat and sunburn which is sweet I have an awesome farmers tan. This week was not too eventful. Someone broke into our compound this week which just means inside our gate. All they stole was just two pairs of shoes which were outside (unfortunately one of which was my sandals for a reason I don't understand) and they reached inside our window in a different room and took one of my flash drives which made me sad. The only thing that I had on it though was just pictures which are still on my memory card so that's good. Just have to be more careful I guess. I will copy all of my pictures from my camera onto another flash soon. Then I can send some. 

We had over 30 investigators in church again this gone Sunday. One of the members also made me a bunch of food for my birthday last week which was really sweet of her. They have a lot of money which made me fel better because everyone wants to cook for us but I always feel bad when they don't have any money because it's like, I don't need that food you do! But yeah. 

One couple said that they would be getting married in December so we could finally baptize them because they've been coming to church for so long now! That made me happy. Everything is okay here! We also had interviews with President this week which were good.

Love you guys! Hope God will be with this country after the election on the 8th... Pray for your country... 

Elder Bush

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