Tuesday, November 29, 2016


First of all, yes I know how to properly spell "steak". Liberia has not changed me that much. But there is huge news from Liberia! They just started their first Stake again! 

For those of you that don't know the significance of a stake, it basically just means that the church is growing and that's a good thing. The church is in branches and districts when it first starts somewhere, and then turns into wards and stakes once it grows and gets more established, which is the case here. On Sunday we had the big conference and the Area Seventy came and it was super great. The Elder's Quorum President in my branch was made to be the District President which is cool. 

The church is really growing in Liberia and it makes me so happy to see such great progression here after all the hardship that these people have gone through. The truly faithful and devoted members really deserve this and will continue to be blessed as they continue the work and keep the commandments. 

For me this week was interesting. It's always a little different to adjust once you receive a new companion but I'm doing my best. Everything good will come with time and patience and love and by being obedient. We saw a lot of people this week though which made me happy. I feel that getting a new companion or area always gives you strength to work hard again so that's what I look forward to when there is a change. 

Thanksgiving was pretty normal here because apparently they have their own thanksgiving and it was like the first week of November. I almost forgot but then I remembered and made sure to get some nice food going. We ordered some food from a place that is in town and they delivered it for free! Basically a chicken place but it's good food. I had some mac n cheese too so I made that. The good part about not seeing things about Thanksgiving is that it didn't make me think of home as much! 

Everything here is great and small small my companion and I will work together and get everything figured out in our area. We're trying our best so that's all we can do right? Okay-o. 

Much love to you all!

Elder Bush

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