Monday, November 7, 2016

I'm Coming Home

Just kidding I will never be coming home I think after two years they'll just tell me to stay.  Ha bet I scared my mother and a few other people.

In other news, this week was just another ordinary week. I feel like each week when I come to write my letter I forget about all the stuff that has happened during the week. 

OH I just remembered one. Okay on Monday last week we went to play basketball in another area on a court that is actually not that bad for Liberian standards. It was really fun, but then it wasn't even until later that night that I realized that I had lost my mission phone. I was so bummed because all of the people that we talk to each day are on that phone. I called it and it was still ringing which I thought was odd. The next morning we called it again and it was still ringing but no one was answering. We decided to take a chance and go there in the morning to look for it before going out to teach. We looked around the court for a while and finally had the other missionaries call it and by some miracle we found it! It had gotten kicked off the side of the court I think and was hidden in the grass so no one saw it and took it. I really believe that God hid it so no one would find it because he knew how important it is to our work. I tell God thank you. 

I just have one other really long but amazing story I want to share. Once upon a time there were 3 little girls that visited the church in an another area and wanted to be learn more and be baptized in the church. Because Elder Bush is very stubborn he insisted that we met with their parents to teach the family before the actual possibility of a baptism would take place. Finally, we met with the parents. I will focus on the single mother of one of the 12 year old girls and her 9 year old brother (although the parents of one of the other girls both are attending church they can't be baptized until they solve their marriage issue). So, we finally met with this woman and her two children but at first it wasn't looking too great. She told us that she had already been baptized and she liked to shake body (dance) in her church. We basically just told her that we wanted her just to visit along with some other scriptures that helped us with our case. She agreed... 
5 Sundays in a row now she and her children have attended the church. She reads the places we give her in the Book of Mormon. She believes and prays about what we tell her to be true. And this gone Sunday she told us that she wanted to pay her tithe before she becomes a full member. Every time that we see her she just looks so happy. She gives us food every time that she comes and tells us that she has no problem with getting baptized now. We are hoping that next transfer she will enter the waters. She is absolutely my favorite person to teach and I love meeting with her and seeing the difference in how she was before and how she is now. This gone Sunday I was praying and fasting that she would continue to progress and overcome the fear of being baptized in the church. I love this gospel so much. 

This letter is very long now so I'll end here. We played football (soccer) today and that was fun but I should never be a goalie again. Africans are crazy. 

Love you all,

Elder Bush

P.S. Pray for your country and this Presidential election. I'm proud to be a Liberian now ;)

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