Monday, November 21, 2016

Allergic to the World

Hey friends and family and everyone else! How the day? Hope your body fine-o because mine was not this week. 

Couple of things first. Tuesday it rained so hard I think it could have filled all of Folsom Lake in about an hour or so. Liberia weather is nuts and I'm getting a little tired of such bipolar activity. Saturday they told me that I would be getting a new companion so that's interesting. And on Friday I thought I was going to shrivel into a ball and die.
So here's the story. On Wednesday morning I started to feel really itchy all over my body and I kept scratching all day but we just continued because I figured it was just the heat or somethings. I got some rashes on my body that night but I just went to sleep and in the morning it was all gone so I thought problem solved no big deal. Wrong. Thursday morning I woke up and we had a meeting so on the way there my face started to feel funny and when we got to the church the rash or hives had gotten to my face and it was puffed up a little bit. I called the Mission President's wife and she just kind of said to wait it out  so I did and by the end of the meeting I felt okay and it had gone down. We went to eat and then after we ate it started to come back again but like all over my body really bad and really itchy. Once we got back to the apartment I took an allergy pill and it completely went away again and once again I thought that was it. Well I was wrong again. Friday I was completely okay and then Friday night I decided to exercise a little bit which was the worst decision ever. My face swelled up and looked like a grape that had sat in the sun and was turning into a raisin. It was one of the grossest things I've ever seen and I will not be sending the pictures for that reason. I took more allergy pills and waited for a while while my chest gave me extreme pain that I didn't understand. I thought maybe I overdosed on allergy medication because that was my third one that day hahaha. It went down but it wasn't even until Saturday night that it went away completely. I'm scared to exercise now. Apparently some other missionaries have had the same problem recently but we don't know what it is. Super weird but I think I'm okay now but maybe that's foolish of me to think again haha. I don't seem to have any problems today though! Just thought I would share that little story with you :)

Everything else is good and the week was a little slow but this week should be really fun I think!! Love all of you guys and that's about all I'll share for today. I'll try and send some pictures. 

Much love,
Elder Bush

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