There is really nothing significant about 11 months besides the fact
that it is one month away from 1 year. Just think about that for a
minute. 1 year on mission we tell God thank you. You aren't supposed to
count the time but when the 18th comes around obviously you know how
long you've been out. But I couldn't be happier! Well, if I had some
nice cold ice cream maybe that would help but let's move on now.
So this week was a pretty normal week for the most part with the
exception of last Monday which will be addressed at the end of this
letter :)
We have two people that are progressing towards baptism for the 4th
of February. One is a girl named Siah and then the other is a boy named
Johnson who is 16 years old. Johnson's parents are working on getting
their marriage certificate so that they can also be baptized soon, but
after thinking about it for a while we decided that we shouldn't make
him wait because he really wants to be baptized and is smart and accepts
everything. So we're looking forward to their baptisms very soon!
There are 3 boys that we are teaching that are the children of one
woman who is a member of the church. The boys are really good but we had
kind of a funny experience with the more intelligent brother this week.
He is really accepting of everything, but when we taught him about the
authority, or the priesthood, he was like yeah I want to get the
authority so that I can start my own church! We were like ehhh... Maybe
we need to explain some things better... So the next day we came and
talked about how there should only be one church. We used Ephesians 4:5
and also 1 Nephi 14:10 to help him better understand that plenty
churches is not a good thing. We tried not to do it in a mean way so I
don't think he was offended and he said he understood. They generally
have good intentions, the reason he wanted to start a church was to
spread the gospel but we told him that he should just serve a mission.
He's super funny actually.
Okay just one story was kind of funny this week from this guy we
met. We could definitely smell a little bit of alcohol on his breath and
he was asking like a million questions but we started to talk about God
and who He is finally. So we asked him what he thought God looked like
and he was like "well, I think God is probably like maybe 70 to 75%
spirit and maybe like 25% body." To you that probably isn't funny at all
but sometimes the answers these people give to questions we ask just
really make me wonder what is going on in their brains.
Besides that everything is normal. I played basketball this morning
and I'm really bad so I'm sure everyone will be able to beat me when I
get home... I also love you all.
Oh and last Monday I cut my hair. I've always wanted to buzz it and
I figured that I'm in Africa and it doesn't really matter if I'm ugly
or not (nor does it ever honestly) so now is the time to try! So I
buzzed it and this is what I look like now! Just be grateful you don't
have to see me every day :)