Monday, January 16, 2017

My People

What's good my American friends? Hope your lives are all splendid.

So this week was pretty good out here in Upper Caldwell, Monrovia, Montserrado County, Liberia. It is really hot but it really can't compare to what it was like when I first got here almost one year ago... Think about that. I still sweat a lot but I can't complain. 

Let me get straight to the important stuff. We went to teach some boys who are the children of a member of the church on Saturday and I really raised my rep as an African. I don't know if they don't have ladders here or what but cutting palm nut out of palm trees is no small task I tell you. There is a palm nut that is high up in the palm trees here that the people use to make this certain food that always hurts my stomach. So in order to get it they get a long bamboo stick that has little notches on it that you use to climb up it and then use a machete to cut down the palm leaves and then the palm nut. So that's what I did on Saturday. I climbed the bamboo stick (stick is singular, only one there) and cut down the palm leaves and palm nut with a machete... Unfortunately before I could finish the bamboo broke that I was standing on and I fell and now I'm coming home. No I landed on my feet and it was really cool but I was bummed I didn't finish the job. Next time.

Okay, other than that we are having some good progress with the people we are teaching. We didn't really have anyone this week that was new to teach but those that we are seeing are doing well. I've been really happy about some people that have not been coming to church that we saw and sat down with this week. We met a guy named Augustine who has not been coming to church for a really long time and had a really good lesson with him. He told us that he knows the church is true, he just has felt that the devil has been making him feel weak to come. I don't know why but I love meeting with less actives for the first time. The first lesson with a less active is always when I feel the spirit most strongly. It's like everything in that lesson just comes out without me even thinking about what I'm saying or asking. He was really appreciative of us coming and said that he would be coming back. He even bore his testimony at the end of the lesson saying the church is true, the Book of Mormon is true and Thomas S. Monson is a prophet. It was really cool and made me feel good. 

We also had interviews with Mission President this week and I love that man. I had a lot of random questions that he was so patient with and answered so eloquently focusing on the truths of the gospel. 

Love you guys so much! Keep the faith!

 Me and some children that never leave me alone


 Me and a super cute African child
Elder Bush

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