Monday, January 9, 2017

No Bad News-o

Hello my friends, 

Sorry I didn't write anything last week I just forgot or something I'm not really sure. It was a decent week but it had the ups and downs as it always does. We went to a traditional wedding for some investigators that we hope will soon be getting their marriage certificate. (In Liberia to be considered legally married you need to have a marriage certificate from the government, the traditional wedding that they do doesn't really count unless they get the paper that says they are legally married which is not small thing I tell you). It was really interesting but also kind of long but I wasn't feeling too well anyways so it was okay with me. Traditional marriage is kind of weird but basically it's all about money. The man's side has to pay the bride price for the other side and it takes a long time to finally finish everything but it's interesting. They asked me to say a prayer over their marriage and I thought they were just asking me to say a closing prayer but when I got up there they were like kneeling in front of me and so I said the prayer over their marriage... Super weird and I asked Mission President later and he was like yeah you weren't supposed to do that but you didn't know so don't worry about it. So funny but also kinda cool. 

The man that got married also wore the African cut off sleeve suit to church yesterday and it was super dope the man was flexing. I don't know if I'll be able to send a picture hopefully! 

This week was really good actually. It felt like it went by really fast. We had a zone training meeting on Thursday and they talked a lot about obedience and although I'm not doing anything wrong, it was a good reminder for me to focus more on being even more exactly obedient. There was also a new missionary there whose name is Elder Hinson. He will be the last missionary coming to this area for a very long time because no Elders are going home until August. I felt a little sorry for him because he just seemed really nervous and just really new. It just reminded me a lot of when I first came because it was not easy. So I'm praying that he keeps working and stops talking about home so much becasue that's about all he talked about with me... And Star Wars. He likes Star Wars.

We struggled a lot this week with people being home when they said they would be home which was really frustrating. We didn't have as many lessons for that reason but we had a great turn out at church. We had a lot of members at church and 32 investigators attend Sacrament on Sunday which is the most that I have had since I have been on my mission. The work is really moving!

All is going pretty well besides that. Can't complain about anything really. We're teaching some really good people. I feel like the people that we are teaching are either really great and willing to accept everything or they are just not accepting anything but that is part of the mission. We even had a couple that we have been teaching ever since I got to this area tell us that they are fixing their marriage certificate and they already paid the money for it and everything. It was such a great blessing to hear that from them after all the prayers and encouragement that we have had for them. So grateful that they truly want to follow their Savior and make a decision and sacrifice that will benefit them in their life so much. I don't know if I will be in this area when they get it or not, but of course it is not about me, but the family themselves that they are making this incredible step in their life. 

Besides that I think everything is pretty normal and cool. It's super hot here which I'm sure is hard to imagine in the cold of the winter at home but I'm sweating like crazy again so that's cool. I also found more Macaroni and Cheese so... Yeah.

Love you all and hope your week is wonderful!

Elder Bush

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