Thursday, February 9, 2017

Don't Tune

Whenever you surprise a person in Liberia or scare them you tell them, "Don't tune, don't tune mah man." Kind of like, don't get afraid or something you know. So I know I didn't send a letter last week but don't tune my man everything is okay.

Last week in the café the internet stopped working and then the power went out and it was getting late so we just went back to the apartment and I didn't finish what I had started but that's okay. I'm not dead. IN FACT, I have some news!

I have been transferred and I'm already in my new area of Thinker's village. I am now in a threesome or a tripanionship with Elder Mineer from Utah and Elder Eguko from Nigeria. I just got here today so I really don't know too much about the area or anything but it is really close to my first area so I will probably see a lot of the people that I used to teach before so that's kind of fun!

I was definitely a little sad to leave the branch in Upper Caldwell because I really began to love the branch and all the progress that we were making and the people that we were teaching. However, I am really excited to start in this new area and get to know a new branch. I guess I had to allow someone else to enjoy Upper Caldwell branch at some point. A lot of people were sad, or at least acted like they were sad when I told them that I would not be there again. I'm sure they'll be fine!

So these past two weeks have gone so fast! We had zone conference and some trainings that have really helped me to strive to be a better missionary. Elder Obasohan and myself were really working hard to teach a lot of different people and expand the area and missionary work. This gone Saturday we had a baptism for two people combined with 3 children of record which was a real struggle but eventually turned out alright. I have confidence that the branch and the missionaries will take care of them.

This morning when the couples came to pick me up I realized I have acquired too many things... People have just given me some things and I have yet to get rid of some others but small small. When they took me to my new area they went a super long way because they needed to drop off another missionary somewhere else but it was the coolest drive ever. It was like we were just straight in the jungle and everything was beautiful and green. Africa is dope. I would attach pictures but I forgot my usb in the apartment so next week.

Other than that I don't think there is really anything else to talk about... Everything is going fine and I'm sure that this area is going to be really sweet. Both of my companions are cool and I'm excited to serve with them. I'm healthy and happy and love all of you!

Much love,
Elder Bush

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