This week was a great and normal week. Nothing too eventful happened but the area is beginning to improve small small.
On Tuesday we taught a few people, but there is one woman named Elaine that we teach that just gives us hard time. So many Liberians love the Bible, which is great, but sometimes they interpret it so differently that it no longer makes any sense. Basically, her and her man's claim (don't think that they are married) is that all we need to do to be saved is just believe in Jesus Christ and everything will be cool. She just got really confused because I asked why she goes to church then and why she doesn't go to the club... If all we need to do is just believe then why not just do all manner of wickedness and it's all okay. She's just really confused but we are trying to be really patient with her.
On Wednesday we had interviews with Mission President again and that was really great. We didn't really get to teach that day, but we did get to sit in air conditioning in my old chapel so that was sweet! I miss Paynesville.
Nothing really significant really happened on Thursday or Friday that I remember. On Friday we teach this guy who lives near the beach and there is a little shop that sells bread and fried egg and it is arguably the best part of my week every week and I want to go there every day. It's so simple and yet so relaxing and wonderful I can't properly describe it to you.
Saturday, one of the boys that we are teaching called me Schoolboy because I was wearing my glasses so I told him to just call me ScHoolboy Q, hence the title. He will actually call me Elder Bush don't worry.
Finally on Sunday a member of the branch gave us a big dinner with lots of rice and cake that made me happy. The people are so sweet here I love them so much.
Sorry this letter was so lame I just forgot everything that happened during the week! I promise to make next weeks letter much better.
I'm happy and healthy and working hard! I love the work even though it isn't easy but I am learning so much and I truly love my Savior Jesus Christ. Life is good :)
Elder Bush
The sweet bread and egg stand!
Children that won't leave me alone...
Beautiful beach. This is in my proselyting area...
Me on a rock on the beach :)
Jogging in the morning
Sweet signs in Liberia... Hope you can read them! Not really sure why Hippos are used? Seems a little derogatory if you ask me but I didn't paint them.....
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