Thursday, May 25, 2017

Don't Recruit Me

Oh this week was an interesting week. Well, at least the end of it was the beginning part was pretty normal. 

Okay yeah I'm just going to go straight to the end of the week because I don't remember too much from the middle of it. Saturday was a nice day. One of the other companionships had a baptism in the morning which we also attended that was really nice. One of the members that attended it also agreed to go out and teach with us that day. We had some really good and spiritual lessons talking about the Book of Mormon and the restoration and some other topics. Everything actually went pretty well on a Saturday for the first time in forever. I had been feeling that I was lacking in my focus during the past few weeks and this weekend I really regained focus and I felt a big difference. 

Sunday, the old ma wasn't feeling well so we didn't carry her to church which was actually kind of nice even though we like her. Getting her up that hill is not small thing but it makes me appreciate my able body way more!

We had some more really great and spiritual lessons after church on Sunday. We had a great experience where we went to some people that we had planned to teach, but they were not at home. While we were on their porch we could see into the compound next door that a man wearing a suit had just gotten home from church with his boys. My companion and I assumed he was probably a pastor and it wouldn't be worth it to try talking to him. While we were walking away I suggested that we try (Even though I hate knocking on compound gates, good thing I didn't serve in America). So we knocked and to our surprise the man welcomed us in and sat down with us in his fairly nice home. He said that he was going somewhere, but that he loved the church buildings he has seen in Liberia and just wanted to let us in briefly to greet us because he felt blessed that we had come to visit with him. He was an extremely humble man that told us he would love to meet with us again another day. He works for the American Embassy and doesn't live with a woman, but takes cares of his boys by himself which is extremely rare here (usually it's the opposite). I felt so happy that I acted on that small prompting even if it turns out to be nothing. It uplifted me at least for that day. 

The most interesting part of the week however came on Sunday night. We recently ran into a white woman who is from Alaska in the supermarket. When she saw us she said, "There are those Mormons I've been looking for!" She basically told us that she is Catholic, but has Mormon friends and loves to cook for the missionaries. However, "Don't try to recruit me and I'll cook for you." That was kind of weird, but we went to her place here which is pretty nice because she works for some health program to improve the medical practices and things in Liberia so they provide a nice place to live. She and some other people also working for the same program made us burgers, great chips and home made salsa and lemonade... Oh man it was not rice that's for sure. It made me so happy. Just before we left we started to ask her a couple of questions because she likes to talk. She told us that she loves feeding missionaries because she feels that she gets fed as well when they come and she knows that she can have a real conversation with them because what they are doing is so real. She even told us that she thinks maybe if she was raised differently she may have become Mormon because she respects the religion and doesn't have anything against us. She said she's even read parts of the Book of Mormon and has it on her kindle. She told us that at this point in her life however, she feels that she can't change and become Mormon now. I think I understand what she means. She went to Catholic school her whole life and has been like that for so long, so for her to change now is almost like she's just throwing away all of the time and effort that she put into Catholicism away. It's unfortunate, but I can understand where she is coming from. She was such a kind woman that loves God I really felt compassion for her. One day it will all be worked out.

I love my mission and all that is happening and I love all of you! Have a great week! 

Elder Bush

Saturday, May 13, 2017

We Have a Bible!

And thus the prophecy was fulfilled...

Well this was a really great week in my new area, so far everything is going really well and I'm happy about the switch. First of all, the apartment is like a million times better than the one before. There is something called LEC here which basically means you pay money and they give you a certain amount of Kilowatt hours that you get to use or something like that. The LEC isn't always on, but for the most part it is consistent throughout the day which has been incredible! The best part is that we don't have a super loud generator making a ton of noise all the time. I hate noise. We also have city water sometimes which is pretty nice. We ran out of water in our tank and city water was off on Saturday and Sunday so we had to draw from our well to take our baths, but it's back now so everyone is happy.

My new area is really great! It is pretty small compared to my previous areas on mission, but still we are going to work to expand it and also improve on those parts that we already know. So far we have met or contacted a few different families that we hope we will be able to teach. It's only been a small amount of time, but I already feel we're making improvements. Another thing is that this branch was just made into a ward and I really enjoyed going to church on Sunday. It seems like the members are ready to work hard so that more people can be active and know the true gospel of Jesus Christ. I even attended a church meeting (other than regular church) for the first time since I was in Upper Caldwell. Yeah, my area before last... 

I also felt happy that on Sunday we have the opportunity to help an elderly woman come to church. Getting her there is no small thing, but it's worth it. The problem is that Liberia was not made for old people. She has a really hard time walking up stairs or hills and she lives at the bottom of a massive hill. Nevertheless, we got there early and got her up the hill and then back after service so all is well. She is super cute and old. I'll send a picture. 

Our last lesson yesterday was really interesting. We met a man named Matthew who loves the Bible like most Liberians do. We started teaching and talked about how God has a body and is not a spirit. We stayed on that one for a long time because he had problem with Joseph Smith being able to see God. He says that he's seen God but in the spirit because God is a spirit. We shared a lot of scriptures that confound this belief but he couldn't seem to find the truth in them... So finally, in order to avoid further Bible bashing (Bible bashing is fun and pride often comes in because I always think I can win--it's not really an effective way of teaching) I just told him that he needs to read the Book of Mormon and pray about it because he can then know whether or not Joseph Smith was a prophet because of the works in which he has brought forth. We then offered him the Book of Mormon and asked that he would read it, and for the first time on my mission, he declined taking the book from us. He told us that he has the Bible and that he needs no other book. And thus the prophecy in 2 Nephi 29 was further fulfilled saying that people would deny the Book of Mormon because they already have a Bible. I had him read John 21:25, but I really felt bad that someone would deny learning more about God and Jesus Christ. It just made me feel sorry that he could have such a limited and restricted view of the scriptures. I know that a lot of people deny any kind of scripture, but for a person to so readily accept one that they need not consider any other... It caused me to feel much sorrow for that man. But again! The work will continue and we'll try again another day. 

I think that was about it for the week! I'm really happy and healthy and I eat peanut butter and jam sandwiches a lot. Yes, jam. I still don't know the difference between the two so if you could enlighten me that would be great but I currently have jam just so you know. Also, food last week to feed four persons roughly 5 or 6 times each cost about 2 or 3 USD. Thought you ought to know.

Love you all so much!!

Elder Bush

Oh ma Dede

Trying to snap photo with Oh ma, she would hold my hand :)

My companion and I in our area! 
The hill we walk Oh Ma Dede up:

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Transfer Day!

Hey fam! I've got some news for you that's kind of interesting, at least it is for me. I have been transferred!

I got a call from President Carlson on Saturday asking me if I would be a Zone Leader in Congo Town and I said I would so that's where I am now. Elder and Sister Teerlink came and picked me up from Thinker Village apartment at 10 this morning and took me to my new apartment. Ironically, I'm with my first companion on my mission who I was with in the MTC, Elder Edemenang. You probably don't know how to say that but that's okay. He is from Nigeria. I really don't know too much about my area or anything yet but I'm actually really happy about the switch. Elder Mineer is also in this apartment with me which is cool because he was my companion before and I missed him so now we're back together! The apartment apparently has power all the time through something called LEC. I've never had it in an apartment before, but it's like metered current supplied to your house. It can go on and off so it's not super reliable, but the one in this area is pretty decent because I think the President of the country has her children living somewhere around there. Not too sure if that's the reason why or not but it's so nice not to hear a generator right outside my window. It is also a 5 minute walk away from a super nice supermarket so I have no complaints!

This gone week was really good, on Wednesday it rained really hard for the first time in months and I was freezing!!! I got a little bit wet and I was so cold I could not believe it. I was on exchange with Elder Unyolo who is from Malawi and it started pouring rain! I actually don't want it to start raining because then I need to start carrying an umbrella and that's super annoying. The rest of the week it was hellishly hot as usual. 

I felt a little discouraged in the area, however we had people progressing and we even had a baptism on Sunday. Brother Gray was baptized and I think that he will continue to be active and a great member of the church. 

Besides that life is solid, I will miss some people on that side, but I'm sure that I will grow to love it here. Our branch here in Congo Town was just turned into a ward on Sunday so now I'll be in a ward and not a branch! That means we will have a Bishop and everything. Apparently the Stake President that was called has only been a member of the church for 3 years and was called to be a Branch President after only like 4 months in the church. Pretty cool.

I don't have too much else to report on this week. The internet cafe in this area is pretty good too so I'll be sending pictures soon again hopefully but I wasn't really prepared this week. 

I love you all and hope you have a wonderful day!

Elder Bush