I got a call from President Carlson on Saturday asking me if I would be a Zone Leader in Congo Town and I said I would so that's where I am now. Elder and Sister Teerlink came and picked me up from Thinker Village apartment at 10 this morning and took me to my new apartment. Ironically, I'm with my first companion on my mission who I was with in the MTC, Elder Edemenang. You probably don't know how to say that but that's okay. He is from Nigeria. I really don't know too much about my area or anything yet but I'm actually really happy about the switch. Elder Mineer is also in this apartment with me which is cool because he was my companion before and I missed him so now we're back together! The apartment apparently has power all the time through something called LEC. I've never had it in an apartment before, but it's like metered current supplied to your house. It can go on and off so it's not super reliable, but the one in this area is pretty decent because I think the President of the country has her children living somewhere around there. Not too sure if that's the reason why or not but it's so nice not to hear a generator right outside my window. It is also a 5 minute walk away from a super nice supermarket so I have no complaints!
This gone week was really good, on Wednesday it rained really hard for the first time in months and I was freezing!!! I got a little bit wet and I was so cold I could not believe it. I was on exchange with Elder Unyolo who is from Malawi and it started pouring rain! I actually don't want it to start raining because then I need to start carrying an umbrella and that's super annoying. The rest of the week it was hellishly hot as usual.
I felt a little discouraged in the area, however we had people progressing and we even had a baptism on Sunday. Brother Gray was baptized and I think that he will continue to be active and a great member of the church.
Besides that life is solid, I will miss some people on that side, but I'm sure that I will grow to love it here. Our branch here in Congo Town was just turned into a ward on Sunday so now I'll be in a ward and not a branch! That means we will have a Bishop and everything. Apparently the Stake President that was called has only been a member of the church for 3 years and was called to be a Branch President after only like 4 months in the church. Pretty cool.
I don't have too much else to report on this week. The internet cafe in this area is pretty good too so I'll be sending pictures soon again hopefully but I wasn't really prepared this week.
I love you all and hope you have a wonderful day!
Elder Bush
Elder Bush, my name is Brother Scott Pratt from Maine. My son Elder Pratt is serving with Elder Urban. Thanks for making your blog public, it's great to see and hear the amazing work of building the kingdom from different perspectives. Stay well, congrats on ZL and say hi to Elders Pratt & Urban when you see them next. Gods speed.