And thus the prophecy was fulfilled...
Well this was a really great week in my new area, so far
everything is going really well and I'm happy about the switch. First of all,
the apartment is like a million times better than the one before. There is
something called LEC here which basically means you pay money and they give you
a certain amount of Kilowatt hours that you get to use or something like that.
The LEC isn't always on, but for the most part it is consistent throughout the
day which has been incredible! The best part is that we don't have a super loud
generator making a ton of noise all the time. I hate noise. We also have city
water sometimes which is pretty nice. We ran out of water in our tank and city
water was off on Saturday and Sunday so we had to draw from our well to take
our baths, but it's back now so everyone is happy.
My new area is really great! It is pretty small compared to
my previous areas on mission, but still we are going to work to expand it and
also improve on those parts that we already know. So far we have met or
contacted a few different families that we hope we will be able to teach. It's
only been a small amount of time, but I already feel we're making improvements.
Another thing is that this branch was just made into a ward and I really
enjoyed going to church on Sunday. It seems like the members are ready to work
hard so that more people can be active and know the true gospel of Jesus
Christ. I even attended a church meeting (other than regular church) for the
first time since I was in Upper Caldwell. Yeah, my area before last...
I also felt happy that on Sunday we have the opportunity to
help an elderly woman come to church. Getting her there is no small thing, but
it's worth it. The problem is that Liberia was not made for old people. She has
a really hard time walking up stairs or hills and she lives at the bottom of a
massive hill. Nevertheless, we got there early and got her up the hill and then
back after service so all is well. She is super cute and old. I'll send a
Our last lesson yesterday was really interesting. We met a
man named Matthew who loves the Bible like most Liberians do. We started
teaching and talked about how God has a body and is not a spirit. We stayed on
that one for a long time because he had problem with Joseph Smith
being able to see God. He says that he's seen God but in the spirit because God
is a spirit. We shared a lot of scriptures that confound this belief but he
couldn't seem to find the truth in them... So finally, in order to avoid
further Bible bashing (Bible bashing is fun and pride often comes in because I
always think I can win--it's not really an effective way of teaching) I just
told him that he needs to read the Book of Mormon and pray about it because he
can then know whether or not Joseph Smith was a prophet because of the works in
which he has brought forth. We then offered him the Book of Mormon and asked
that he would read it, and for the first time on my mission, he declined
taking the book from us. He told us that he has the Bible and that he needs no
other book. And thus the prophecy in 2 Nephi 29 was further fulfilled saying
that people would deny the Book of Mormon because they already have a Bible. I
had him read John 21:25, but I really felt bad that someone would deny learning
more about God and Jesus Christ. It just made me feel sorry that he could have
such a limited and restricted view of the scriptures. I know that a lot of
people deny any kind of scripture, but for a person to so readily accept one
that they need not consider any other... It caused me to feel much sorrow for
that man. But again! The work will continue and we'll try again another
I think that was about it for the week! I'm really happy and
healthy and I eat peanut butter and jam sandwiches a lot. Yes, jam. I still
don't know the difference between the two so if you could enlighten me that
would be great but I currently have jam just so you know. Also, food last week
to feed four persons roughly 5 or 6 times each cost about 2 or 3 USD. Thought
you ought to know.
Love you all so much!!
Elder Bush
Oh ma Dede
Trying to snap photo with Oh ma, she would hold my hand :)
My companion and I in our area!
The hill we walk Oh Ma Dede up:
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