Saturday, July 22, 2017

More Respect For Mama

Sup my people,

This week was pretty good. We had our MLC and I went on exchange with Elder Beinbein which was really nice. He's from Nigeria.

So I had the idea that we should have a fireside or program thing at the church to get people more excited about the gospel. It was great! However, everyone expected me to kind of do everything because it was my idea so it was really stressful. I had to take care of almost every aspect and so I was really concerned the whole time and worried if people would like it or not. It was a success and a lot of people liked it which was great. I gained a lot of respect and admiration for my mother because I have a little better understanding of why she always was worried about church programs and everything. It sucks when everyone leaves you to do everything! So I realized that she's really great for always doing that stuff. Mine wasn't even that great. She also had a birthday and I love her.

That's about it. Today I slept a lot. Love all of you! 

Elder Bush

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