Wednesday, July 26, 2017

What Goes Up Must Come Down

Well this was a week that I don't think I will soon forget. Many different experiences and different things that happened.

On Tuesday we met with a woman in our area and followed her to her home in a car. She said that she had really wanted to meet with us and that she had been searching for the missionaries for a long time. As we started going in the car I started to realize that we were leaving our area and ironically heading into my old area in Paynesville. Oops. She lives a little too far. We reached to her house a had a wonderful lesson with her and then told her that she was not actually living in our area so we would have to give her number to the other missionaries... Dang. Good thing we're all on the same team right? 

We had a really nice Zone Conference on Wednesday. We talked a lot about the spirit and the role it plays in conversion. I was also asked to talk about the experience I had on my exchange with Elder Beinbein. Saw some friends and stuff.. It was really nice :)

Friday we went on exchange with the Assistants who proselyte in town. It was good, but the best part about the exchange honestly was their apartment. It's a lot nicer than ours because new missionaries stay there the first night when they come to Liberia and stuff so it's pretty sweet. I slept in air conditioning without a mosquito net! AND they have a MICROWAVE. Oh my gosh I was in heaven. I was seriously so happy I couldn't believe it. I didn't even sleep that well but who cares the room felt incredible! I have not slept in air conditioning or in a room that cold in about 17 months or so. Don't worry guys, I might come home one day.

Saturday was fine and then Sunday was rough. I won't go into details but you know how the law of gravity works. Oh man, I didn't go to church yesterday for the first time in over a year as well. With the good always comes the bad so no big deal. I'm trying now.

Today we cleaned the apartment and stuff. If you haven't noticed, we don't do much on Mondays here because there isn't that much to do besides play football (soccer). Everything is okay though :)

Much Love! 

Elder Bush

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