Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Miracle of Prayer

Hey Fam and Friends,

This week was dope. I felt a lot better and We had some good experiences and good lessons and stuff. It was wonderful. 

I'll just share two for now. We are teaching Brother Grant who has been promising to come to church for some time now. He's legally married and has a big family who are all ready for the gospel. He has come a long way with the teaching and loves everything that we talk to him about and wants to become part of the church. On Sunday, he got called into work so he was not able to attend service with us. However, we did get to sit down with him and his wife which is super rare because usually at least one of them is busy. We had a great lesson with them. His wife is a little bit more difficult to teach, or at least less readily accepting of what we teach but she's still open and very nice. We taught her about the Book of Mormon because she had some concerns about it. Most people here think that if you open The Book of Mormon bad things will start happening to you and you'll start going crazy. Someone told her that so she was afraid of it. I think her doubt is a little bit clear now... Brother Grant is encouraging her and tells her that they need to start going to the church so we hope that happens soon!

Now the next story is a little lengthy. Last week we were coming back from our exchange and we met two women. One had a bunch of crazy false beliefs about the Bible and some problems about The Book of Mormon. The other was totally accepting of us and seemed like she had an interest in our teaching. So of course because of pride or whatever influence that came over us we focused on talking with this nonsense woman in order to prove that her church is built upon the foundation of men that falsely interpret the Bible. Well, we didn't say it that way... Well we kind of did but that's not what we usually do! Anyways, it was foolish and I felt bad for doing that. Everyone has the right to believe what they want to believe and we shouldn't tell people if their beliefs are false or not. But she was kind of telling us ours were false so it made me vexed. Nonsense woman... ANyways! I felt bad, repented and asked God to help us find the other woman. In one our companionship prayers I felt prompted to ask that God would help us to find her. And we did! We were walking home the next day and my companion stopped and jsut kind of stood there for a while. All of the sudden this woman just started walking up this hill across the street towards us! We talkd to her and it turns out that she lives in the same place as a woman we baptized a month ago! Prayer it true and it works! Iwas so thankful and it made me happy. We're going to meet with her next week. 

I'm going to send another funny email about food bidneh... But that's all for this spiritual one. Love you!

Elder Bush

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