Hello my people,
This week was pretty good no complaints here.
My new companion Elder Glou and I are doing pretty well and
we're getting a good teaching style down so things are working nicely. I still
need to learn a little more French from him so I'm going to have to focus a
little more on that one in the future.
I always forget the cool stuff, but the presidential
election is coming up here in Liberia and it's a really big deal. There is a
guy named George Weah who is running and a lot of people like him. He had a
little campaign thing on Saturday and people were going crazy. I'm not exactly
sure what we are going to do during the actual election because everyone just
dances in the street and stuff. I think that guy will win but who knows. I
think it is still safe for us but who knows?
Besides that we had a pretty normal week. Went out and
taught and shared the gospel with people. One of the members in our ward has
her niece living with her and she said that we should start teaching her. She's
a really smart girl actually so I like her. Her name is Marolynn.
I don't have a show this week! Sorry, hopefully next week I
will come up with something because I'm blanking right now. Love you all!
Oh yeah, I have 6 months left. Cool stuff.
Elder Bush
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