Tuesday, November 7, 2017

TIA This Is Africa

Hello my people!

I don't really know who is still reading this besides my mom, but thanks if you are I appreciate it. I only have about 16 more of these letters I think. I had a pretty good week despite some few short comings. The Lord always performs miracles.

So like I said this week had some short comings unfortunately. Tuesday my companion and I walked out near hotel Africa which is so far away and no one that we hoped to see was around. We Walked!! We always walk a lot but that day just seemed to be extreme. We were so tired coming home but I always feel that the Lord blesses me for those efforts, even though nothing is going well, He recognizes my effort.. 

Wednesday I fell sick with a poor stomach. I was able to go out for one lesson to one man that we contacted. I just felt like I should force it to see the man. Turns out he is legally married, has a lot of children and even came to church on Sunday! That meant a lot to me.. 

The rest of the week went fine. The Bishop was supposed to go with us to meet a man on Saturday but when we called him he said he was in Nimba... About an 8 hour drive from Banjor. Liberia... He made it to church the next day and met with this family I was teaching a year ago in Caldwell who just moved here! They haven't been baptized because they are not yet married, but they should be soon. I was so happy to see them come to church. Small world right?

There is one woman we are teaching named sister Kona. This woman is very sweet and she loves the missionaries but she is incredibly stubborn. On Sunday we were talking to her about the Book of Mormon and she was not being humble at all. Trying to tell us she has read the book and knows it is all about the Americans and this nonsense. I thought of Abinadi when he asks the apostate priests if they had read the scriptures. They said yes. He said well, then you don't understand them. It was so difficult for me not to come back at her with fire. The Book of Mormon is something I have gained such a strong testimony of on my mission so when people attempt to condemn the book it takes all my energy not to give it to them... But I held my peace. Tried my best. It's not easy sometimes. Occasionally I just want to take the knowledge that I have and shove it into their brain so that they can understand. But that's not how we do it. Just try my best to be patient with her and love her but she is not yet ready to accept the gospel. She will need a lot more time but I have faith that one day she will and she will stop denying the truth. 

I know that it is true though and I can't deny it. I am thankful for the things that I understand and have learned on my mission. Helps me to understand so much more about what life is really about. 

So my mom asked some questions I will try to answer. The area that I am in now is pretty nice, I like it. It is fairly large and has a lot of dryness. The rain is slowing down so usually it will just rain for a few minutes during the day or at night. The people in the area are pretty nice, but I don't know where too many of the members live. It is a little bit far from the city, but I don't mind. Pretty quiet there. The apartment is nice. We have electricity at night and if we need it in the morning we can turn on the gen but we usually don't need to. I like the apartment a lot. It is only me and my companion who are in it so we each use our own bathroom. Kitchen is nice and there is always running water because they pump it from a well into a big black tank. So that one is not a problem. 

The election is not doing much right now, they have now gotten to the second round between two candidates. The second election is on November 7th so we might stay in that day I don't know yet. But no problems except for one of the candidates (who is now the vice president) came right next to the apartment the other day. That was cool.

Wanted to send pics but something is wrong.. Sorry, I love you guys.

Elder Bush

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