Alright this week was not bad. We were busy as usual with
meeting and other stuffs so we didn't get to teach too much. We met one guy who
really wanted to contend with us about our beliefs. I don't really have time
for people like that anymore. Wo unto the wise.
Sunday we had a baptism for Evelyn, Theresa, Mamee and
Bishop! Mamee and Bishop have been investigating the church for about 2 years
now but they haven't been consistent so no one has baptized them. They finally
got themselves together though and we're all happy! Aside from that everything
else is normal. Well, relatively.
This week I will talk about washing your clothes. According
to Liberians you all are lazy because you use a washing machine. So let me tell
you the real way how to do it:
So first off you need a few buckets. Preferably you will
have a large tub that is wide so that you can put a lot of clothes in there.
You can use a small bucket if you don't have many clothes. take the large tub
and fill it maybe a little more than half way full of water. Then add some
soap. Powdered detergent or liquid soap if that is all you have and bleach if
you are washing whites. Mix the water around and then put your clothes inside.
If it is whites, you can probably leave it in the bucket over night to let the
bleach set in to help bring out the whiteness.
Now here is the tricky part that is not so easy. Obviously
you are going to use your hands to wash these clothes. So you will pick up one
shirt and start to basically rub it against itself. You can also use a bar of
soap to get it more clean since the powdered or liquid soap might not be
enough. So use your two hands and begin to rub the cloth against itself in
order to take out the dirt. Kind of difficult to explain. You especially need
to do this with the collar. Continue doing that until you have scrubbed every
part of the shirt and you think it is clean. Then squeeze it and put it in
bucket of water to rinse it. Once you rinse it then you squeeze it again and
hang it up outside on the line! Then wait for the sun to dry your clothes and
you're done!
Thanks for all the love and support! Have a great week!
Elder Bush
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