Merry Christmas to all...
Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas. My companion and I got
fed a lot! There was a lot of rice and chicken and potato salad and soft drink.
I could hardly walk by the end of the day. I also got to talk with my family
which made me so happy! Next year hopefully we will have a Christmas with
everyone at home! I was really happy and I'm excited to be going back pretty
soon... I'll be coming back in February. Still not sure on the date! I'll let
you know. I'm excited, but I still love serving here and being around the
people. But my time is definitely coming!!
We had our Christmas party yesterday and it was really nice.
We played some games, had some Christmas songs and presentations and whatnot.
We ate a lot of food there as well! I don't need to eat for a few days now. The
mission gave us these really cool gifts as well! A mission key chain and pen
and little flash light thing (could be useful for when the power goes out).
They did a really good job I think everyone had a lot of fun.
That's my short letter for this week! Yesterday they also had
the runoff election so we should finally find out who the president of the
country will be soon! Just so happy for this thing to be over. I'm tired of
hearing about all this political stuff going on.
Much love,
Elder Bush