Tuesday, December 5, 2017

We Can Be Busy!

Hey my people. I'm doing my best not to think about home, and since we have about a million things going on right now it is making it a little bit easier. We are just constantly having meetings and things going on that we have to attend to. It makes me stressed at times but I guess it is better than being lazy and not having anything to do. The area is a little bit slow so all the attention on other things is not really helping. 

Is it getting close to Christmas? I couldn't really tell because nothing looks like Christmas here. It's really hot all the time and everything is just dirty. No Christmas lights or trees or anything. It's not really their fault though these good people don't have any money. The election nonsense is still going on as well so no one wants to spend their money because they are afraid that something could happen after the election actually ends. It's pretty sad.

Anyways, my week was alright. I feel like time is going to start moving a little bit slowly because I can actually see the end of the tunnel... Maybe. We have recently met with a man named Mohammed who is progressing pretty well so far. He is from a Muslim background and grew up in Sierra Leone and is really interested in the gospel now. He's heard some interesting things from different people but he wants to see for himself. We gave him a baptismal date for the 31st of December. If we can meet with him enough, he should be baptized on that day. Unfortunately, a lot of the people that we are able to meet with frequently during the week are not really progressing. Those that are can be difficult to meet with so we are trying to find the best way to adjust ourselves to be able to meet with them. Small small in this area. 

As for me I'm doing well. My stomach has been giving me small problems, but recently I've been feeling better. Everything will be fine in a few months?

I hope everything is going well and you are enjoying the Christmas season. 
Appreciate all the Savior has done for you. 

Love you all,

Elder Bush

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