Monday, December 18, 2017


Hey everyone how's the body? My body is doing alrigh o. 

So this week was pretty good. I always feel like there is so much stuff going on and then when it comes time to email nothing really happened. We had some fun this week though. We had two different parties that we attended. The first was on Saturday where the stake put on a whole Christmas devotional thing that was fun. Probably not as spiritual as the one at home might be, but definitely a cool experience. They did a lot of cultural dances and stuff as well which I loved! Took some pics and videos. 

Our landlady who we rent the apartment from had her graduation party Sunday after church. She just got her master's in something I don't remember. But they had their party in our compound (they also live there) and it was no small thing. The woman talked for probably over an hour about all her life's accomplishments and whatnot. It was her day though so no problem. They had tons of food and drinks and everyone in the community came to be a part of it. They did a really nice job and spent a ton of money. This is one of the nicer apartments that I've been in. 
Well, aside from that I don't recall too much stuff happening. Love you all!

Elder Bush

Me and the grad party

Grad party

Me and my companion

The capitol building (our apartment)

Walking about in my area
Exchange with Elder Stitcher

Small Kona! 

Small Kona again

Human baby stroller Amaka

Felix house! (we eat there every Thursday)

Me and my companion :) Elder Udo
The first three are myself and Elder Edemenang

This was my last district before 3 elders got transferred

Myself and Elder Jensen

Men in the Apartment

Men in the Kitchen

The bush near our apartment

Elder Beinbein!

Basketball near mission office

Royal Grand with my companion!


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