Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Oh, Hey Neighbor

Hey fam!

Just wanted to let you know that I love all of you very much. THe time continues to run down and I'm just amazed each day that I've been on my mission for this long. Can't say it has gone super fast, but it is still moving. Next week will mark 2 months till I go back, but who's counting?

This week was alright, a little stressful like it always seems to be, but not a bad thing. Helps me to focus on the work. I was blessed this week again to be able to meet with another Area Seventy personally. Elder Vinson came to Liberia to create the Paynesville and Caldwell stakes and I got to be in our MLC meeting with him. It was really cool. He read the dedicatory prayer of Liberia with us and it was incredible. The church is true o!  It was quite a spiritual experience. At the end he said well we have gone long and I haven't eaten all day so I think we should end here. I got to talk to him afterwards a little bit too and he is just a really normal person. He told me of a time when Elder Stevenson came to this mission last year. He was sick so Elder Vinson gave him a blessing. He said he was nervous blessing an apostle because he had never done that before. I think I would be nervous too.

So after the meeting we went to the assistants apartment to sleep because it was too late to go back to our apartments (Elder Vinson could only meet with us in the afternoon, we usually have MLC in the morning). So while we were there we were all just talking and Elder Weber started asking me some questions about BYU. He went there around the same time that I was going there. So he asked me where I lived in the fall and I told him I lived in Heritage Halls. Him: Which building? Me: 15. Him: Hm, I think I was in building 15... Which floor? Me: Third floor. Him: Woah! (moves backward a little bit) I was on the third floor! Turns out that not only were we in the same ward, but we were basically neighbors, were on the same side of the building and everything. We never even knew each other! He knew all of my roommates because the following semester one of my roommates became his home teaching companion. Never knew me though. It's funny too because we both kind of had the same philosophy in the ward. Show up, don't say anything, avoid giving talks or lessons, eat the food at activities and leave. Probably why we didn't know each other. Could have been really good friends though sadly. Just wanted to share that with you.

The rest of the week was fine. Trying my best to keep moving forward with strength. The area is not very easy but it will continue to progress. This woman named Kona that we are teaching is still giving us a hard time on Sunday. We went there to teach her from the Book of Mormon. In my opinion her problem is that she is not willing to be baptized again because she was baptized in her church. So even though she is praying, she is not praying with real intent because she doesn't intend to act upon that answer and accept the invitation to be baptized. Moroni tells us that a prayer without that real intent profit a man nothing and God answers none such. Just trying to encourage her to read and pray, but I don't believe she can reach that answer until she is willing to act upon it.

Aside from that everything is good. My stomach is doing alright... We still here.

Love you all!

Elder Bush

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