Tuesday, March 28, 2017

No Bad News-O

What news my people? This was another week where not a lot happened. I do need to tell you about one thing that I forgot to mention last week...

We had a baptism... I feel that is something that should be really hard to forget about but I guess I just forgot to tell you about it. Sorry. Praise Tweh was baptized on March 18th and that was wonderful. He was confirmed the next day and is doing really well. He received the priesthood yesterday as well and is making a difference in the world!! Well, small small.

Anyways, this week was solid. We're still seeing a lot of progression from Brother Gray, who we gave a baptismal date for the 30th of April. He really loves meeting with us and is such a wonderful human being. We met with him on Friday and he started telling us about all the things he does for his mother and his brother who was recently put in jail... Just a great person I really feel that I grow to love those that I teach so much more when I listen to them speak about their personal life and all their challenges and struggles. He is a really strong guy.

There was one thing that one of our less active members said to us yesterday when we visited him that I really loved. He's had a pretty rough life and things have not always gone the way they should have for him even when he was making the right decision. I shared with him something that Jeffrey R. Holland said in that some blessings come soon, some come late, and some don't come till heaven. He responded and said that when he faces those trials, he refuses to call it temptation but refers to them as trials. He said that temptation comes from the devil, but trials come from our Heavenly Father so that we can show that we love him and then receive blessings. He talked about how although much has happened to him,  he knows if he remains faithful and diligent that he will receive those blessings. I really learned a lot from that experience yesterday. I don't know if I would have been able to handle some of the things that he has gone through and still remain strong.

Well, nothing else really for today. It's really hot here and I'm really looking forward to General Conference. It's strange that rainy season is almost here again! They say that it starts April 15, but it didn't really start last year in my opinion until somewhere around the end of May and then mostly in June. I hate holding that stupid umbrella.

Love you all and hope you have a wonderful day/week/year/life!

Elder Bush
1. Elder Lords came to our apartment on exchange and went running with me :)

2. Elder Eguko was called to be a Zone Leader!! Had to get a picture before he left :(

3. Before our baptism with Elder Eguko :)

4. Last days as a tri-pan :(

5. Baptism for Praise! :)

6. Family that is going to miss Elder Mineer and Elder Eguko :(

That's all! :)

Good Morning!

Good Morning Friends and Family!

It is actually in the afternoon here, but I know that it is still morning at home so you may still be sleeping. Lots of stuff happened this week and there were some big changes!

Well, the end of the tripanionship in Thinker Village has officially come to pass. Elder Eguko and Elder Mineer were both transferred away from me. Elder Eguko was called to be a zone leader in Brewerville (pronounced Brahville) and Elder Mineer went to Congo Town. I just received my new companion Elder Omararo from Nigeria. He's pretty cool. I think? This is really the first time I've said more than a few words to him so I don't really know. He's been on his mission for a while now and only has about 6 months left, almost 5. So he may end his mission in this area! I'm never going home so I don't really have to worry about that.

This gone week was a really good week actually. I felt like we had several good lessons that I felt the spirit a lot in. The guy in my previous email that I talked about who came in contact with the Book of Mormon a long time ago through another member of the church came to service again. Brother Grey is his name. He seems really interested and really kind. We're hoping to see him on Tuesdays and Fridays but sometimes he can be busy. One thing that I like to do whenever I go to a new area is work on expanding the area and going to places that are a little bit further away from the chapel. I find that some of the most converted people are those that are willing to sacrifice a little bit more to come to church. So recently we have been going a little bit further and so far it has turned out well and we have sound new wonderful people that are ready to hear the gospel.

We had our Zone Conference on Tuesday which was really nice. I always learn a lot from my Mission President who is going home very soon! I think he is tired.

Wow, this actually was kind of a boring week. I don't really have much else to say. No one ever asks any questions to me so I don't know what you want to hear. If you would like, they have two big boxes of Honey Nut Cheerios or Honey Bunches of Oats here for $15 US. Sounds like a good deal to me... Oh how I miss American food sometimes. Or all the times. And feeling cold. And sleep. I don't know if you tell me your mission is easy I feel that you're doing something wrong. It's definitely worth it though :)

Love you all and miss you almost as much as I miss ice cream :)

Love ya boy,
Elder Bush
Elder Bush

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

20 Years Later....

This was such an inspiring week for me in my life. Like always, some days were good, some days were bad, but overall I was amazed by the blessings that I have seen since I have been on my mission.

This week we had a few things happen but I really wanted to focus on a couple of stories that made my mind almost go insane. I'll start with a lesson that we had on Friday with a man named Ennis. We have taught Ennis a few times and I absolutely love him, he is so humble and willing to listen to and accept our message. We went to his home and talked to him about the Book of Mormon on Tuesday and then started to discuss the Plan of Salvation on Friday. As we spoke with him about God's plan for us on this Earth and about Adam and Eve, he just understood so well and continued to show love for what we were teaching and signs that he knew that it was true. As we were talking with him a woman nearby was shouting on the phone. Despite this I just continued to tell myself that I needed to listen and pay attention to him. I felt the spirit so strongly even though there was noise. Such a powerful lesson about our Savior's love for us.

Immediately following that lesson we met with a man named Brother Grey who lives not far from Brother Ennis. He came to church last Sunday along with Brother Ennis and had a good experience there. We had a good lesson with Brother Grey, but when we were about to close the lesson he said something that was so significant to me and I don't really know why. He said that in 1998 (almost 20 years ago believe it or not), there was a boy in his school named Nyanforh (don't think it is the Nyanforh that is now the stake president) who would always stay after school and share things with other students about his church and about the Book of Mormon. He said that the other students would always give him hard time but that he would just continue to talk about it. He went to serve a mission and he hasn't heard from him since and wouldn't recognize him if he saw him probably, but he said that he was always interested in the church because of his conviction and what he would say about it. So now, almost 20 years later, he is talking with the missionaries and has a strong desire to know the truth. You never know how much good you do...

Other than that, the week was pretty normal. We're just working hard and trying to share the gospel with as many people as possible :) Life is good. Today I found Oreos and bought a lot of them and they were really expensive but totally worth it.

Hope you have a great week!

Elder Bush


  On top of the church... Probably shouldn't have done that...
 Still on top of the church
   I asked this little girl to bust my block (pound it?) and she would not stop and would not let me go either it was so cute. When I finally left she cried... Weird
   One year in Liberia!

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Toy Exchange

My sister Alisa sent me toys that her children had chosen to share with a few of the children in Liberia. She included photos of her kids with the toys and asked me to show them the pictures so they would know who the toys were from. Then I gave them to some special children and took their picture with the toy. It was so fun! This is the result...


When Luke (my nephew) saw the little boy with the train he was so excited! He just kept repeating that the boy was so happy!

Monday, March 6, 2017

Happy New Month

Time is moving my people. We're in March now and I forgot how hot it was last March. Yeah, that's right, I was here last year in March. See aging missionary! 

So yeah it's about a billion degrees right now in this country and I almost die every day but then I don't. I have to drink so much water and I still never drink enough. My life is actually really great I live in Liberia. 

So anyways, this week was pretty cool. We had so much progression from a few people that we are teaching and it made me so excited. My first week that I came here we had two people that we are teaching come to church and this week we had 13 people that we are teaching come to church. Sometimes the people here frustrate me, but most of the time they are just so sweet and humble and willing to submit to the will of the Lord. I just need to continually practice patience while speaking and interacting with anyone who I meet. I love that I get the opportunity to share the gospel with so many people each day, it gives me hope that more people will be willing to accept the truth. 

Apparently a rapper in Liberia died in a car accident because he was going way too fast in his car. A bunch of people were really sad and our Branch President even kind of mentioned it on Sunday and told people that they need to slow down when they drive. I thought that was kind of odd, but Liberians are like the worst drivers ever so hopefully they do learn a little bit from that. 

Besides that again, this week was pretty normal. We are expanding the are that we are in and are teaching a few people that are a 30 LD car ride away from the chapel. Even though that's only about 30 cents it's still a pretty big sacrifice for these people and we had 3 people come from that area this gone Sunday. All of them are super sweet. Brother Gray, Brother Buster and Brother Ennis. They are all very interested and willing to learn about the gospel and showed their faith on Sunday by making their way to service. 

We met with one woman this week who is really funny. We've taught her a couple of times and after we teach we will usually buy something from the little market that she has. This week when we tried to buy however, she told us she doesn't like how we behave. She doesn't like how we ask for things that cost money and then have the audacity to want to pay for them. She didn't use those words obviously but she said that we shouldn't pay anymore when we want something... Liberians are so sweet. I probably won't get anything again though so she doesn't lose money.

Well, that's about it for this week! We went to the beach again today for a big activity and it was pretty fun! I love the beach and really wish I was allowed to go swimming... But alas, my hands are tied. I love you all and hope that you have a wonderful week!

Elder Bush

1. My sister sent a train to me to give to an African child. His name is T Boy. He was happy.

. This boy is really good at smiling.
 This baby is super adorable. The mother is a recent convert named Pinky.