Tuesday, June 27, 2017

The Rain Give Me Hard Time!

Liberians seriously hate rain so much. I don't understand because every year it is exactly the same and they still hate it and act like it has never rained in their country before. A lot of roofs are leaking and the water does really harm their homes and things, but didn't the same thing happen last year? And the year before that? And every year before that forever? Oh well.

This week had a wonderful event. We had a mission conference on Thursday where everyone in the mission came together with President and Sister Carlson for the last time. I'm just realizing that I forget to prepare the pictures so I'll have to send them next week sorry. The conference was very spiritual and very nice. We all got to hear some great contributions and talks and musical numbers that I hope I won't forget. It's sad to see them go, but I'm also really happy that they get to go home to their families and America. President Carlson told us that there are 3 missions in the world where the mission president only stays for 2 years instead of 3: Sierra Leone, Haiti, and Liberia. Why do they only serve for 2 years instead of 3? Well, you can probably come up with your own answer to that question. The power went out while we were having our conference... Anyways.

The rest of the week went pretty well. The rain makes people not to come to church. They always us that as an excuse as to why they didn't come. It's kind of ridiculous to think about that being an excuse at home but it's pretty legit here unfortunately. Sometimes they just won't go to work because they say the rain is too much. Can you imagine telling your boss that you didn't come to work because it was raining? Oh man I love it here.

The work is moving and we are trying to find and improve each and every day. I got to rest a lot today before we came to the cafe which was really good because I've been feeling really sleep deprived lately. 

That's about it for this week. June is about to end and that's pretty cool. A lot of people will be going home from this mission very soon! Almost all the missionaries here have been on their mission for over a year now so a bunch are going to start going home really soon it's going to be great :)

Hope everything is great at home I love you all :)

Elder Bush

Random Pictures

1. Weird Bug

2. Our area

3. Me and comp

4. House in our area

5 Gifty got some cool hair attachments!

Looking for Families

Whole day we out here walking whole day!

We're always looking for people to teach and the Lord is always preparing them for us. Of course we are going to teach anyone who is willing to learn about the gospel, but the message that we have to share is especially centered around families because of the strength that the restored gospel can bring to the family. So recently we have been praying that we would be directed to a family that could truly benefit from our message about Jesus Christ. Our prayers were answered! We met with a man that is legally married and has 10 children! Chi! Not all of them are living with him though, some of them are a little bit older. Nevertheless, I have felt that the Lord has helped us as we have searched for more people to teach.

This week... All the weeks just seem to morph into one I swear. Sometimes things from last week seem like they happened this week and things from this week seem like they happened last week! The sister missionaries had a fireside that they invited us to and it was really nice. It helped give us a few ideas for a fireside that we want to hold in our own ward soon. They gave us food too so that also made it better :)

The rest of the week went along pretty normally and fine not too much to report on really. It is raining quite often now which cools down the weather quite a bit, but it also means that I have to carry an umbrella which always annoys me so much I don't know why hahaha.

We had a nice little activity today with our entire zone and another zone where we went to the church and we played pictionary on a white board and gestures I think. I forgot what it's called where you have to act out the thing without talking. It was really fun... There isn't much to do in Liberia so we do what we can with what we have. 

Well sorry this week was lame but next week will be more exciting! I'll send some pics! :)

1. Helping clean the chapel got weird... (feat. Elder Young MNoey!)

2. My companion getting his hair cut

3. President Sayon's birthday! (Feat. President Carlson on the beat)

4. My small child friend Gifty

5. No teeth for Ma B :)

Monday, June 12, 2017

Let the Rain Begin

So it finally started raining during the say a little bit and the weather has cooled down. Unfortunately with the rain comes a decline in church attendance... We didn't have any investigators come to church on Sunday which was a disappointment, nevertheless we will continue to work hard!

This week was pretty good besides that though. We had our last Mission Leadership Council meeting with President Carlson as he will be going home at the end of this month. It was really great, but we sat in air conditioning and I got super freezing cold and I felt like I needed a blanket. Wonder how it will be when I go home! We also had a meeting with the stake president again on Saturday and that went pretty well also. We have a lot of work to do here but they are all really willing to work hard and improve the church here in Liberia.

We're trying to do more finding and things here in our area because it seems pretty bland so we want to spice it up a little bit. We are hoping to work better with our ward leaders to especially help with fellowshipping because that's been a big problem for us. 

I don't have much else to say for today. I'm a little bit tired but I'm happy and healthy and can't complain. Love you guys.

Elder Bush

More Photos

Some children I am teaching primary songs to:

 Me and some of my little friends
 Monkey Apple
 Love these children!
The many dogs in our compound


Totally drenched from the pouring rain

The Boss Man's Back

From: Steven Robert Bush <steven.bush@myldsmail.net>
Sent: Monday, May 29, 2017 10:43 AM
To: Suzanne Bush; Suzanne Bush; Kevin Bush
Subject: The Boss Man's Back!
Oh hey my people! How you comin' on?

This week was pretty solid. We found a couple of new people to teach and were pretty busy throughout. I can't remember if I mentioned this before, but we live in a compound that has a lot of dogs and another house that an old guy lives in, but he has been in America for a long time. Well, this week the guy finally came back! The security guys that work in our compound were the most excited. They're really good at getting drunk and making a lot of noise at night and asking us for food and money because their bossman isn't around. Well, they were super pumped because their bossman finally came back! He conveniently came back the night that they got more drunk than I have ever seen them be before. We came outside to talk to them and they told us that they were so happy because they had been going without pay for a year and their children aren't in school because their bossman wasn't there (we repeatedly told them that they should get a new job to which they would respond yeah... See you tonight). They then drunkenly told us that we should go inside and make them small thing to eat. I said yeah and then went inside and locked all the doors. I don't know who can continually go to work for over a year without pay? It's astounding but they did it and now the bossman is back so I guess all is good in the world...

Anyways, missionary stuff is good. Teaching people about God and whatnot. I always forget what happens during the week honestly. We have a lot of people that I really enjoy teaching and are very receptive and accepting and humble, but they have their church. I'm beginning to feel like the majority of the people that we teach are going to have long term conversion which isn't bad, but sometimes it's a little more difficult when you don't see the results of your labor right away. I can't imagine what it would be like serving somewhere that missionary work is really slow. I think I would struggle a lot. 

Everything in the area and with my companion is pretty good though I can't complain. Today we had a really fun activity with our district where we went to a member's house and cooked fried rice. The fried rice that we mad is probably not the same as the one that you know about, but it was actually really good. I helped to prepare a lot of it actually :) I don't think we put enough peppers inside though... The food fed 11 people and each person got plenty of rice and a piece of chicken and a soft drink and the money split between 9 persons was less than $1.50 per person. Africa is pretty cheap...

Well, everything else was pretty good but I think that's about it for this week! Here are some pics.

Elder Bush

My small friend flexing!!
Some of my friends
Me and my comp
Coming from the activity
More small friends 

To Describe it was Indescribable

This was by far the strangest week of my mission so far... I've never felt the way that I did this week and I don't even know how much of it I can share with you. 

The beginning of this week was pretty normal. Nothing really happened besides me deciding to exercise in the night instead of in the morning... Yay... We had some normal teaching and lessons and missionary stuff and whatnot. Then came Thursday...

From Thursday going onward the week just got so weird. We had interviews on Thursday with Mission President and it was pretty sad because this is the last one that we will have with him because he will be going back home July 1st and we'll be receiving a new Mission President. He's done a remarkable job and I've learned so much from him since I've been in Liberia. I'm really going to miss him but I'm sure that I will also love the new Mission President. The interview and everything went fine and the rest of the day went well also. However, there were a few issues that were resolved that caused some problems in the apartment. We have 6 missionaries in our apartment right now. Well, let's just say that there was some behavior that was not advisable so our Mission President decided that he would take care of it. Basically it just caused some little contention in the apartment. I would love to say more but the spirit constraineth me...We'll see if anyone goes home anytime soon I don't know.

The rest of the week was a little affected by this and I really just can't put into words how I feel and what has happened. I'm astonished. I do know that the gospel is true and we did have some great lessons on Sunday, but overall it was just a weird week. There's a Mormon Message where this guy says to describe it was indescribable and it makes me laugh every time I watch it but now I know how it feels. 

There was a woman that told me that the economy in America is really bad... I thought, hmm that may be very well true but one of my US dollars is equal to 114 of yours so that's strange. Anyways, thought that was funny. 

I love the Book of Mormon and I have been reading it more and more lately. I understand better each and every day that the Book of Mormon is truly the evidence that this work and church is true. I know it's true and I cannot deny it. I love the work that I'm doing and even though it's not always easy, I know that it is definitely worth it. I love you all and I hope you are able to pray each and every day for the Lord to direct you in your life and in all that you do. 

Lots of love,

Elder Bush